I usually have that book on hand when I want to talk to someone. Because everyone I know pays a lot of attention to grammar when having a conversation. Which supports your idea that using that book has an effect on the quality of your edits.
I love your guys’ editing, the only improvement i would make is adding honorifics, and not using a characters name as a substitute for onee-san *CR subs*
And if you don’t understand Japanese (hint: knowing what ‘onee-san’ means is not understanding Japanese) you’re not going to pick up on them accurately anyway. You might as well ask for the whole script to be left untranslated so you can be sure none of the original meaning is lost.
If you want honourifics there are a billion other groups that use them. It’s not good editing, and if you really feel like you’re missing out by not knowing when they’re being used you can always just listen to the audio until you realise that they don’t add anything more than any other arbitrarily untranslated word.
Just watch GetWet’s symphogear and compare. They make the show barely watchable. You guys do people a favor and get them to drop that shitty show.
As for Ano Natsu, the ji-hi.net screens speak for themselves with how the translation came across bad, like the “high speed” camera line and the “free swim” sign.
He’s also welcome to choose the option he believes is better. Aren’t you bringing this sort of comments on yourselves anyway by making a reactionary blog post to negative feedback.
Seems like it, seeing his Ano Natsu work. Can’t really blame some guys, as some take fansubbing too seriously and fnord apparently just wants to have fun with it and not give a damn what others think.
>The CR re-edits are fine, mainly since you leave them alone for the most part.
I edit like half the lines in any given Another episode so no, not really. I’m pretty sure stuff like Chihayafuru undergoes even more rewriting than that due to the original script being derp city.
I actually have a spare Windows 7product key. If you want it, just ask. The key is legit and I’m about to throw them away sooner or later after Microsoft stops supporting Windows 7 operating system.
“American language” is a fucked up version of English made for southerstaters and other retards who are too nationalistic to realize that the world does not care about them as long as they do not intend to go to war. They are the same that does not realize people are trolling them when they agree on how copy-catish Englishmen are using the same language…
Well, it is hard to tell what a difference between american and british english for non native speaker as me. Also I suffer a butthurt because of american faggots, english will split into to different section and I would need to learn also american language. You understand me, fuckers, even with my retarded message.
What are you retarded? some kind of newb on the internet? IRC has been around for ages and still is around and is pretty common.
also Csiko, ignore them, haters gonna hate.
Yeah, there’s no way I could have used it back in the 90s. You know, back when it was still cool and leet speak meant you were a skilled hacker and everyone was still on dialup. There’s just no way I know about any of that. Oh wait, why did I mention the 1990s in my previous comment?
I’ve never really complained about their subs but a hater is gonna hate, amirite?
I had a little red grammar booklet that easily slipped into my pocket. It had all the grammar rules, examples and even a list of words, phrases, and so on that are often confused with detailed but simple explanations. It was pretty much everything you could ever want from a college level grammar book. I miss that book.
So, you really need over 1000 pages or do you just like to show off how thick your book is? I have plenty of phone books, if you really want to whip it out and compare.
IMHO the only ones who should discriminate another’s work are the ones who can show better results. Why do they complain about the fansubbing when they can’t do it themselves? They don’t even understand Japanese FTW.
If you want to become anything other than a mediocre editor, you have to understand editing is about more than making sure the grammar is technically correct.
With your current attitude, a comedic anime is far beyond your current abilities. Ask one of the better editors on Commie’s staff and they’ll tell you the exact same thing, though perhaps with a bit more tact.
Sure, editing’s often about proper spelling and grammar. But more important than that, editing is about context-relevant, natural speech. Your reliance on a book on your shelf in an attempt to prove your editing superiority is so hilariously off the mark that it’s almost sad.
I’m pretty sure you won’t listen to me, but ask one of the more experienced editors on your team what they think about editing. I think you’ll be surprised to find out that editors have more responsibility beyond spellcheck.
>If you want to become anything other than a mediocre editor, you have to understand editing is about more than making sure the grammar is technically correct.
This is good advice. You should take it some time.
Yeah, or I actually like reading in addition to speaking with others, which is yet another thing I’ve got on you.
Besides the whole adverb thing. Given that even after an entire hour you still didn’t understand what word the adverb in a sentence was describing, it’s pretty obvious that an actual book would be way too much for you.
I completely agree that a fansub editor is more than a grammar and spell checker. The job requires creativity among others things. A grammar book will not necessarily make anyone a better editor.
However, aren’t your views in this post incongruent to the purpose of your website? Your reviews are pointless because they don’t point out WHY you should watch a script. Do the subtitles portray characters who talk like actual high schoolers, or are the characters simply spouting “literal J-to-E translation #453”? One script could have a few grammatical errors and/or typos but otherwise be the best script in the world, but it will be scored a B to A-, whereas the boring script with no mistakes whatsoever will get an A. Or maybe we’re watching subtitled shows for the wrong reason, and flair isn’t needed.
Basically, I agree with what you say here, but you should really change how you do fansub reviews.
You mentioned I don’t really argue why a script is good so much as I argue why it’s bad. I agree entirely. I want to make that a focus in my A-tier/B-tier reviews in the coming season (to do it in this one would require me to either hold groups to different standards or go back and edit each review… which I’m not going to do). It’s not the only change I’m making, but it’s one of the more important ones (if you follow the site you’ll notice the reviews improve every season… hopefully, that is).
But don’t paint me with such an ill-informed brush when you talk about the reviews. I bitch about “phrasing” just as much as anything else. :/
Haha, at least I agree on fansubbing as a challenge to creativity, comprehensive and literary skills.
In my case, I watch fansubbed episode just to aid my Japanese for technical or not-commonly used terms, and on advanced kanji signs, which is difficult for me as I need to pause the video to understand them completely. And I often see something to criticize on translations in the scripts of some fansub teams which seemed a little weird or awkward.
But thinking more about it, I realize that I can’t be that sure if it should be pointed out, as every part of the audience have different levels on understanding J-E translations, grammar usage for both languages, and other things like colloquial/honorific/levels of speech/etc.
In a nutshell, as long as the so-called “majority” of audience is satisfied on the results, it’s not much of a problem. But there should always be a room for improvement to keep in mind, because IMHO language translation is never perfected, from one language to another, not the whole idea is always translated.
Wow, you have a book! You must be an expert! I am now absolutely convinced, even without any proper details, that everything you have done so far has been completely correct.
If not native speakers start to complain about the quality of your tranlation/grammar etc it could be a sign, that your subs are not as good as you want to belive.
Or simply bad enough to be called shitty by people like Coalguys.
You are talking about fansubs, but a fan would never make such a bad sub for the show he/she likes.
By the way I am a non-native speaker, and I tend to like Commie’s subs. There are some mistakes, but other groups generally tend to make at least the same number of mistakes while doing much more literal translations. And, considering that this year I went from an English-speaking environment back to my home country, it’s nice to at least read some better use of the language.
Firstly, “American” isn’t a language. It is a dialect of the English language. There is no difference between it and “northern (UK)” English, in terms of definition.
To say “American” is a language is putting it far above its actual classification, thus it shouldn’t require its own book on grammar. The grammar it uses is, or at least should be the same as that for every other English speaker.
You guys do a good job and I often get your versions. I must admit, I do have a preference for honorifics but your lack of this I can live with. I listen to the language spoken anyway, and often translate the odd word or a line myself here or there. Those who complain, are you listening in silence? Can’t you translate it yourself?
Regarding editing, I think you guys generally do a pretty good job. Possibly not the best, but far far from the worst. I’m not someone who will bite someone’s head off for the odd mistake every now and then as long as the flow and consistency of the story is maintained. There are some things that will get lost in translation, or will refer to something cultural that has no Western equivalent, and I personally prefer a TL note rather than a butchered attempt to localise these things.
I do believe that the grammar should be 100% correct but not to the point of, for example, the conversation between two characters sounding false. I know I often talk to some of my friends in what could only be described as “wayward” English. Though I also speak to the same friends, or employers/persons of higher standing in Standard English.
At the end of the day, we leechers, even the Anons, are all grateful for your hard work. For some, it gives them pleasure to watch your releases and for others it gives them something to bitch about if they spot something. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
People on here started with Win 98/ME? Makes me feel old. I had DOS and Basic on ours – well, the first PC at least. I remember installing 3.1 for the first time! Had a ZX Spectrum before that. Yoof of t’day huh!
No, having a GREAT (and kind of expensive) BOOK on grammar shows that you study or work in THAT specific field, which usually makes that person a good editor… Wether or not that person is a good student or not is what matters~
Csiko, shut up, you can’t read.
They told me I could be anything, so I became a fansubber.
how about you be something less annoying instead?
Who are those certain individuals? The whiners on MyAnimeList and/or 4chan?
If so, fuck it. It’s not like those shitbags’ opinions ever mattered in the first place.
Nah. Those guys mostly just complain that the editing is too good.
Im going to assume its Dark_Sage.
I usually have that book on hand when I want to talk to someone. Because everyone I know pays a lot of attention to grammar when having a conversation. Which supports your idea that using that book has an effect on the quality of your edits.
I have the same book too. And every-time someone is talking to me about grammar, I beat them to death with it.
maria’s dead, get over it and go to church.
no u.
I want my properly subbed
trap X lezbo
church related anime.
that’s nice
> america
> grammor
American Usage. . .
This explains so very much.
That was the first thing that came to my mind as well. :-P
No. That’s explain everything.
Oh, fuck you spell-checking ¬¬
Pretty girly-looking handwriting, bro. I certainly hope your real name isn’t Kamille.
there are no girls on staff
except for jukey, on weekends
You, sir, can suck my dick.
Only on weekdays, though.
I love you guys.
all week long?
I’ve got some bad news for you.
It IS Kamille? Daaamn…
I’m jealous. I want that book.
American grammar. Doth one not believe it to be an oxymoron? Ha, I joke, keep up the good work :)
> 2012
> Attempting to demonstrate your mastery of the English language using a 4chan meme.
I hope you didn’t mean me? only thing I thought I said was How a 720p video’s file size was so small.
I was more curious than anything.
which one is bigger, that book or Horizon’s Novel book?
Horizon. One of those volumes, I heard, is just a few pages less than the ENTIRE Lord of the Rings trilogy.
He’s not kidding.
Pretty sure you just checked that shit out of the library. Good job for going to the library though.
10 buck it’s his mom’s.
$40 bucks says it’s YOUR moms!!! HAW! :D
I love your guys’ editing, the only improvement i would make is adding honorifics, and not using a characters name as a substitute for onee-san *CR subs*
Nope to both!
I dunno, jdp. This guy has a point!
<&jdp> shut up, jukey
Oh, but he does. There are certain implications in terms of character relationships with the use of honorifics and “onee-san”.
And if you don’t understand Japanese (hint: knowing what ‘onee-san’ means is not understanding Japanese) you’re not going to pick up on them accurately anyway. You might as well ask for the whole script to be left untranslated so you can be sure none of the original meaning is lost.
Honorifics and Japanese name order. Win. But no biggie.
All that aside, Last Exile, ep5?
The canyon battle… “Attract a cannonball” as opposed to “Draw their fire”?
and people asked it in Commie site…..
Smooze-san I appoint you as our leader! Fight for our rights! Honorifics!!!!
If you want honourifics there are a billion other groups that use them. It’s not good editing, and if you really feel like you’re missing out by not knowing when they’re being used you can always just listen to the audio until you realise that they don’t add anything more than any other arbitrarily untranslated word.
I have been informed that the word is “honorifics” even in British English. We deeply regret this error and the people responsible have been sacked.
Or some awkward line.
Lagrange – Passable
Symphogear – Terrible
Ano Natsu – Serious derp
The CR re-edits are fine, mainly since you leave them alone for the most part.
I dunno who’s being a grammar nazi, but I don’t care about that as much as the style of wording and vocabulary choice.
Symphogear and Natsu are done by the same guy, you can come tell him why you think he’s shit on IRC (fnord).
Just watch GetWet’s symphogear and compare. They make the show barely watchable. You guys do people a favor and get them to drop that shitty show.
As for Ano Natsu, the ji-hi.net screens speak for themselves with how the translation came across bad, like the “high speed” camera line and the “free swim” sign.
You’re welcome to talk to the people on IRC and help them improve instead of being hyperbolic and mad.
He’s also welcome to choose the option he believes is better. Aren’t you bringing this sort of comments on yourselves anyway by making a reactionary blog post to negative feedback.
You’d have to ask RHExcelion about that.
I push IRC because it’s easier for everyone involved. He gets answers in (mostly) real time instead of comment replies and no real response.
I was going to reply meaningfully, but then I realized I don’t give a damn.
u mean u didn’t give a fuck about that
Seems like it, seeing his Ano Natsu work. Can’t really blame some guys, as some take fansubbing too seriously and fnord apparently just wants to have fun with it and not give a damn what others think.
>The CR re-edits are fine, mainly since you leave them alone for the most part.
I edit like half the lines in any given Another episode so no, not really. I’m pretty sure stuff like Chihayafuru undergoes even more rewriting than that due to the original script being derp city.
CR’s “translation” of the poems is so bad.
Don’t worry! Jukey has an account! He can check for you!
That actually made me laugh pretty hard when I saw that. Is there anywhere else that happened besides Chihaya 17?
I love you guys
I’d like to insinuate this certain individual up to par in your editing, if you know what I mean.
>Leechers complain about something they get for free.
Being free doesn’t absolve it from criticism.
You sir are brilliant, though of course you already know that.
You are using Vista. That’s even worse than your grammar.
My first OS was Windows ME. Sometimes you just learn to take what you can get.
That said, anyone got a spare 7 key?
I used to have a friend who used Win ME. Then, I found out he used Win ME.
lol. good thing my first time was 98
wat? spare key? there’re bunch of 7 loader out there :o
I actually have a spare Windows 7product key. If you want it, just ask. The key is legit and I’m about to throw them away sooner or later after Microsoft stops supporting Windows 7 operating system.
Can u give it to me, too? :P
I don’t trust your email.
Actually, I sent it to you.
looks like i haven’t receive it yet.
what about this one?
I used an anonymous sender, it should have an delay up to 12 hrs
Ahh i see. btw, the hotmail one is legit.
I saw your PM when I woke up this morning. If you would like to leave one in a message to me, I will use it.
Thanks much! <3
>Spare a Windows 7 key
>Not using a loader and not giving a fuck
>not using a loader
>someone was willing to give it free
Quick question: is American even a language, considering there’s a book on it… but isn’t it just modified English?
“American language” is a fucked up version of English made for southerstaters and other retards who are too nationalistic to realize that the world does not care about them as long as they do not intend to go to war. They are the same that does not realize people are trolling them when they agree on how copy-catish Englishmen are using the same language…
…is that even English? And I mean in any form of “English”…
Shouldn’t “catish” be “cattish”?
And “They are the same that does” should be They are the same (people) who do”?
An inbred,retarded, nationalistic “southerstater”, who, incidentally, knows how to use an Oxford comma.
People use IRC? Did it become the 1990s again?
Oh right, I’m being trolled. No one uses that anymore.
You’re right, we fansub with 40-people Skype calls.
Let’s switch over to using AIM chats. Or maybe a Facebook group.
Well, it is hard to tell what a difference between american and british english for non native speaker as me. Also I suffer a butthurt because of american faggots, english will split into to different section and I would need to learn also american language. You understand me, fuckers, even with my retarded message.
>You understand me
I really don’t.
Well, I guess I do. Still, my Russian sucks, so I’ll not judge your English.
Atta medeber Ivrit?
You need 40 people to sub something that has already been translated once?
I won the Nobel prize for efficiency last year. Are you jealous?
The whole “sixteen shows a week” thing kind of does that to you.
Are you on from work? You should get on IRC I mean Skype.
Oops, I thought we were doing Teamspeak this week.
Teamspeak is for fags, you should use Ventrilo.
Oh wait, Teamspeak is perfect for you guys. =)
Why not just meet up in a mud, so you can cast arcane spells while looking up arcane Japanese culture references?
After all, playing a mud would be right in line with the tech level of IRC and Csiko could even use it on his crappy Win ME PC.
Why not take the time you’re using to make terrible blog comments and use it to try and learn how to troll effectively?
What are you retarded? some kind of newb on the internet? IRC has been around for ages and still is around and is pretty common.
also Csiko, ignore them, haters gonna hate.
Yeah, there’s no way I could have used it back in the 90s. You know, back when it was still cool and leet speak meant you were a skilled hacker and everyone was still on dialup. There’s just no way I know about any of that. Oh wait, why did I mention the 1990s in my previous comment?
I’ve never really complained about their subs but a hater is gonna hate, amirite?
Fuck you.
Butt hurt much?
I don’t have a problem with the release quality, IMHO.
If someone really wants to complain that much, it’s not difficult to download Aegisub and just do whatever you want to the subtitles >_>
Complainers will complain. Meh.
HOW can a subgroup with over 40 people be so BAD
Because they want twits like you to make posts as “Anoymous” so they can’t come after your ass to make you cry.
shame you don’t appear to use that book at all
Fire your encoder and obtain a new one.
i have a 1200 page grammar book.
it’s nice
I had a little red grammar booklet that easily slipped into my pocket. It had all the grammar rules, examples and even a list of words, phrases, and so on that are often confused with detailed but simple explanations. It was pretty much everything you could ever want from a college level grammar book. I miss that book.
So, you really need over 1000 pages or do you just like to show off how thick your book is? I have plenty of phone books, if you really want to whip it out and compare.
long live Dear Leader!
I see yer problem right there…. American Grammar doesn’t exist. It’s called Getting English Wrong. :3
“American Grammar”
-> lowercase G.
“…English Wrong.”
-> lowercase W.
-> Not English.
You point out all that and leave the ‘yer’? :p
Oh and I’m actually English, so butchering my own language is fully permissable.
I have a Bible in a box in my Closet, does that make me the Pope?
No. U need something like Kim Jong Il
“Mein Kampf”.
>Owning books
Yeah, letters are outdated nowadays.
>Still reading Derp_Sage’s autistic rants
Was that supposed to be read “ish iggy diggy”?
Grammar where you fuckers
Fuck you guys, just release Maria+Holic Alive already.
Does this mean GC will be late?
If you didn’t insist on subbing more shows than you have competent staff, you’d actually get shit done properly and on time.
We have more staff than shows, the bottleneck is releasing.
No the bottleneck is timing.
No the bottleneck is Japan not making more shows.
>implying you are not a massive bottleneck
No, the bottleneck is the bottleneck.
Bottleneck, the bottleneck is the bottleneck.
Bottleneck bottleneck bottleneck bottleneck bottleneck bottleneck.
I look forward to your new and improved grammar.
A small grammar book that is simple might just be what they need since they obviously need to work.
IMHO the only ones who should discriminate another’s work are the ones who can show better results. Why do they complain about the fansubbing when they can’t do it themselves? They don’t even understand Japanese FTW.
get trolled harder
You guys are getting kinda slow at releasing stuff.
Csiko, I was going to post a longer reply, but meh here ( http://commiesubs.com/fansubbing-standards/comment-page-1/#comment-64216 ) actually summed it up pretty well.
If you want to become anything other than a mediocre editor, you have to understand editing is about more than making sure the grammar is technically correct.
With your current attitude, a comedic anime is far beyond your current abilities. Ask one of the better editors on Commie’s staff and they’ll tell you the exact same thing, though perhaps with a bit more tact.
Sure, editing’s often about proper spelling and grammar. But more important than that, editing is about context-relevant, natural speech. Your reliance on a book on your shelf in an attempt to prove your editing superiority is so hilariously off the mark that it’s almost sad.
I’m pretty sure you won’t listen to me, but ask one of the more experienced editors on your team what they think about editing. I think you’ll be surprised to find out that editors have more responsibility beyond spellcheck.
Also, have a Youtube video:
>If you want to become anything other than a mediocre editor, you have to understand editing is about more than making sure the grammar is technically correct.
This is good advice. You should take it some time.
I’ve said multiple times when groups can handle the basics I’ll take off my kid gloves when I handle critiquing their scripts.
Yeah, or I actually like reading in addition to speaking with others, which is yet another thing I’ve got on you.
Besides the whole adverb thing. Given that even after an entire hour you still didn’t understand what word the adverb in a sentence was describing, it’s pretty obvious that an actual book would be way too much for you.
Stay mad.
I completely agree that a fansub editor is more than a grammar and spell checker. The job requires creativity among others things. A grammar book will not necessarily make anyone a better editor.
However, aren’t your views in this post incongruent to the purpose of your website? Your reviews are pointless because they don’t point out WHY you should watch a script. Do the subtitles portray characters who talk like actual high schoolers, or are the characters simply spouting “literal J-to-E translation #453”? One script could have a few grammatical errors and/or typos but otherwise be the best script in the world, but it will be scored a B to A-, whereas the boring script with no mistakes whatsoever will get an A. Or maybe we’re watching subtitled shows for the wrong reason, and flair isn’t needed.
Basically, I agree with what you say here, but you should really change how you do fansub reviews.
You mentioned I don’t really argue why a script is good so much as I argue why it’s bad. I agree entirely. I want to make that a focus in my A-tier/B-tier reviews in the coming season (to do it in this one would require me to either hold groups to different standards or go back and edit each review… which I’m not going to do). It’s not the only change I’m making, but it’s one of the more important ones (if you follow the site you’ll notice the reviews improve every season… hopefully, that is).
But don’t paint me with such an ill-informed brush when you talk about the reviews. I bitch about “phrasing” just as much as anything else. :/
>(to do it in this one would require me to either hold groups to different standards or go back and edit each review… which I’m not going to do).
I think most people’s biggest complaint about you is that you already do this.
You should hold everyone to the same standard, and you should be a complete and utter asshole about it.
Haha, at least I agree on fansubbing as a challenge to creativity, comprehensive and literary skills.
In my case, I watch fansubbed episode just to aid my Japanese for technical or not-commonly used terms, and on advanced kanji signs, which is difficult for me as I need to pause the video to understand them completely. And I often see something to criticize on translations in the scripts of some fansub teams which seemed a little weird or awkward.
But thinking more about it, I realize that I can’t be that sure if it should be pointed out, as every part of the audience have different levels on understanding J-E translations, grammar usage for both languages, and other things like colloquial/honorific/levels of speech/etc.
In a nutshell, as long as the so-called “majority” of audience is satisfied on the results, it’s not much of a problem. But there should always be a room for improvement to keep in mind, because IMHO language translation is never perfected, from one language to another, not the whole idea is always translated.
Nice post and all but where they hell is Guilty Crown 15 and Inu x Boku SS 04?
You guys said no more delays, get to work!
Just kidding, you guys are awesome. Keep at it.
They’re too busy reading the American grammar bible.
>greentexted the ISHYGDDT
Why do people always complain. It’s free! if you dont like it, dont watch it. period.
Wow, you have a book! You must be an expert! I am now absolutely convinced, even without any proper details, that everything you have done so far has been completely correct.
We’ve never complained about your editing or grammar.
We complain about your shitty encoding and your completely unprofessional and unmotivated schedule.
It’s almost like we all work for free or something. Before using the word “professional” you might want to look it up in the dictionary.
If you want us to release faster, you’re always welcome to apply for the internship program and help out yourself.
If not native speakers start to complain about the quality of your tranlation/grammar etc it could be a sign, that your subs are not as good as you want to belive.
Or simply bad enough to be called shitty by people like Coalguys.
You are talking about fansubs, but a fan would never make such a bad sub for the show he/she likes.
>not native
By the way I am a non-native speaker, and I tend to like Commie’s subs. There are some mistakes, but other groups generally tend to make at least the same number of mistakes while doing much more literal translations. And, considering that this year I went from an English-speaking environment back to my home country, it’s nice to at least read some better use of the language.
Firstly, “American” isn’t a language. It is a dialect of the English language. There is no difference between it and “northern (UK)” English, in terms of definition.
To say “American” is a language is putting it far above its actual classification, thus it shouldn’t require its own book on grammar. The grammar it uses is, or at least should be the same as that for every other English speaker.
You guys do a good job and I often get your versions. I must admit, I do have a preference for honorifics but your lack of this I can live with. I listen to the language spoken anyway, and often translate the odd word or a line myself here or there. Those who complain, are you listening in silence? Can’t you translate it yourself?
Regarding editing, I think you guys generally do a pretty good job. Possibly not the best, but far far from the worst. I’m not someone who will bite someone’s head off for the odd mistake every now and then as long as the flow and consistency of the story is maintained. There are some things that will get lost in translation, or will refer to something cultural that has no Western equivalent, and I personally prefer a TL note rather than a butchered attempt to localise these things.
I do believe that the grammar should be 100% correct but not to the point of, for example, the conversation between two characters sounding false. I know I often talk to some of my friends in what could only be described as “wayward” English. Though I also speak to the same friends, or employers/persons of higher standing in Standard English.
At the end of the day, we leechers, even the Anons, are all grateful for your hard work. For some, it gives them pleasure to watch your releases and for others it gives them something to bitch about if they spot something. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
People on here started with Win 98/ME? Makes me feel old. I had DOS and Basic on ours – well, the first PC at least. I remember installing 3.1 for the first time! Had a ZX Spectrum before that. Yoof of t’day huh!
My first PC was a 486 DX4 with DOS & Win 3.1 but my dirty secret is that I used to play around on one of those old dual floppy Macs when I was young.
I used to be a fansubber, until I worked on the subs for Death Note. I’m not the only fansubber to take that particular arrow to the knee.
I can’t believe you just misinterpreted the book title. You, sir, are a true idiot.
Isn’t that book title mean to use American (English language as used in US) in modern way by Garner?
PS: I got that description from dictionary
having a book on grammar makes you a good editor now?
No, having a GREAT (and kind of expensive) BOOK on grammar shows that you study or work in THAT specific field, which usually makes that person a good editor… Wether or not that person is a good student or not is what matters~