Mahoutsukai no Yoru translation project


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This is a translation project for Type-Moon’s newest game, Mahoutsukai no Yoru. Enjoy. (?)


Translation: Nanu
QC: DxuselesS, Kyhz
Hacking/Engineering: kingshriek, TinFoil
Image Editing: Vodka
Useless/Project Management: herkz
Expert Witness: Moogy



  1. Jun. 27th 2013 – 50% translated.
  2. Jun. 10th 2013 – Chapter 7 translated.
  3. May. 12th 2013 – Chapter 6 translated.
  4. Apr. 24th 2013 – Translated through Chapter 5. Not dead, see?
  5. Nov. 11th 2012 – Project announced



Chapter Translated (kb) Total (kb) Progress
Chapter 01 113.56 113.56 100.00%
Chapter 02 51.44 51.44 100.00%
Chapter 03 7.55 7.55 100.00%
Chapter 04 41.63 41.63 100.00%
Chapter 05 167.56 167.56 100.00%
Chapter 06 68.75 68.75 100.00%
Chapter 07 104.01 104.01 100.00%
Chapter 08 52.35 150.90 34.69%
Chapter 09 74.52 74.52 100.00%
Chapter 10 56.48 56.48 100.00%
Chapter 11 27.32 64.17 42.58%
Chapter 12 0.00 105.66 0.00%
Chapter 13 3.48 45.00 7.74%
Omake 61.54 169.77 36.25%
Total 830.20 1221.01 67.99%


What happened to the other people working on Mahoyo’s translation?
The dude that did the demo’s translation was bad/wrong and would need to be completely TLCed/redone. All the people from Amaterasu were busy and didn’t/couldn’t work on it at all.
Are you going to release any partial patches?
Probably not.
Are you recruiting?
Any ETA?


Amazon JP

1,355 Responses to “VNs”

  1. Kyhz says:

    Now this is podracing!

  2. Southrop says:


  3. johnny_dickpants says:

    we doki now

  4. airco says:

    ETA: Same day as Maria 12.

  5. claptor says:


  6. tormaid says:

    Awesome; can’t wait.

  7. Catastrophe says:

    >Probably not.

    its a linear VN isnt it? dont see why not releasing partials then.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I’m interested in seeing where this goes.

  9. Xythar says:


  10. Coock says:

    This is going to be butchered as fuck

  11. Aofylian says:

    Wow, Commie now doing visual novels nice *.*.*.*

  12. erejnion says:



    what the fuck am I reading

  13. TheAvenger says:

    I fucking love you guys for this. I’ve been looking up Empty Boundaries everyday for about 3 months now and pretty much gave up on Mahoyo being translated.

  14. Kotomine Kirei says:

    Dou you have a QC who is knowlegeabe about the nasuverse termini?

  15. Jonh says:

    If anything, please take your time on info dumps and the like. If there is one thing TM fans like, it is bitching over small details in powerlevel circlejerks. That and picking apart everything else.

  16. Epirent says:

    Oh God yes. This just made my day.

  17. tany-chan says:

    I love you guys for it.

  18. ohgodno says:


  19. Afaggot says:

    Oh yeah, boy.

  20. bbo says:

    Commies for world dominance.

  21. Progeusz says:

    It’s real. Fuck yeah.

  22. Solaristics says:

    Now I just need to find a download of this game.

  23. Anon says:

    I have a new favorite subgroup right now.

  24. lesstea says:

    …you have my respect, sir. #hat_off

  25. SakuraFan1985 says:

    I certainly hope you guys plan to include Sakura in this translation. She’s a fucking main heroine, and I’m sick and tired of everybody ignoring her.

  26. gwonbush says:

    Project announced today. Progress around 7%. Monsters?

  27. reikk says:

    Well THIS isn’t being undertaken purely for e-penis or anything.

    Good luck attention whores, I look forward to QUALITY in the unlikely event that the finished product ever sees the light of day.

  28. John says:

    Any idea if you guys could give a download link for clean copy? Can’t seem to find it online.

  29. dickbutt says:

    In before fully translated mahoyo before f/ha

  30. Ogil says:

    What the planned timeframe for this? Under a year? Over a year and a half?

  31. Cristu says:

    FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Ramza says:

    Wonderful news! Hats off to ya, this game really deserves a translation.

  33. pacman2 says:

    oh gawd khyz is working on this.
    This will never be completed, stop hoping for things that will never be done!

  34. QUALITY says:

    Why are you trying to translate a visual novel when you’ve shown time and again you guys don’t know Japanese?

    • herkz says:

      >implying the translator isn’t native japanese

      • QUALITY says:

        In the event this is actually through and he’s halfway competent, I’ll have to wonder why you keep fucking up every single original translation.

        • herkz says:

          you’re free to provide proof of your assertions

          until then i can only assume you are speaking out of your ass

          • QUALITY says:

            First episode of K. Cleaning robot.

            • herkz says:

              what of it?

              edit: that was a different translator too

              • QUALITY says:

                He’s not fucking saying that he “cannot even clean”.

                • herkz says:

                  i dunno what you mean, but that’s a different translator

                  and one line does not make a bad translation

                  • QUALITY says:

                    It is when it’s a basic line that I, with my lowly Japanese skills, can get. And that’s just off the top of my head.

                    But by all means, go ahead and butcher the thing, just stall the shit out of it so I can get to it before everyone and their mom reads your subpar translation.

                    • herkz says:

                      why would i trust you in that the line is wrong? you clearly given no proof you know even a single word of japanese

                      and it would be so easy

                      if you want somewhere to bitch, then try somewhere else. like gaia

                      p.s. if you japanese isn’t good you won’t be able to read mahoyo

                    • Xythar says:

                      The guy who translated that also translates for like 6 other groups so I hope you enjoy basically not watching any fansubs ever.

                    • QUALITY says:

                      ^ I can read it with tools, thanks for your concern.

                      And no wonder you don’t know the shit you’re outputting when you don’t even watch the shit you release.

                      >The guy who translated that also translates for like 6 other groups

                      I know fansubs suck. That’s why you should stay out of VN translations.

                    • Xythar says:

                      It’s almost like fansubs have to be done by ear to a strict timeframe whereas with VNs you have all the text (including kanji) right in front of you and can spend as long as you like.

                      And yet, despite that, the overall standard of accuracy for VNs manages to be much lower. Did you see the Mahoyo trial translation? Pretty sure that was worse than even the least accurate fansubs.

                      It’s almost like the VN community attracts all kinds of people who just installed Rikaichan and suddenly think they know Japanese.

        • Xythar says:

          Because a translation you disagree with isn’t the same thing as a translation that’s wrong.

    • Shirt says:

      You new or something?

  35. Ashitaka says:

    Awesome, great news, looking forward to it.

  36. davaeron says:


  37. IceD says:

    As much as I’m happy about it, I’m also concerned. Anime fansubbing groups should stay out of VN translation in general; it’s a different league, but if you feel strong enough – go on and continue.

    Anyway, good luck guys. I’ll see what comes out of this later.

    • johnny_dickpants says:

      About damn time someone showed these clowns how it’s done.

    • Kyhz says:

      The TL is native, so no difficulty issues. If you’re worried about logistics, herkz/tinfoil handle that so that’s not a problem either. If you’re boned about my editing, then I’ll have you know that editing is my body and blood. I have edited over a thousand episodes. I am unaware of any issues, nor aware of mistakes in any of those. I’ve withsthood pain to create these scripts. I have no regrets over what I did. Trust me, this is the only path. I’ve waited my whole life to do this.

    • herkz says:

      Good thing some of us have experience and don’t have unrealistic expectations.

  38. […] has decided to translate Mahou Tsukai no Yoru. English patch. […]

  39. guri says:

    When did Cokesakto and Amaterasu every say they were done with translating it? Furthermore — I’ve read Mahoyo in Japanese and I read Cokesakto’s english demo and it isn’t “poorly translated”.

    this wouldn’t be so bad if you weren’t so arrogant and damn liberal with your translations already. holy shit.

    • herkz says:

      They’ve been working on it in secret with us.

      Well, Ammy forced their way on the project and Cokesakto threatened to do it on his own if we didn’t let him join.

      Then I kicked all of them because they were useless.

  40. Roy says:

    Sugoi sugoi!
    Glad to see somebody pick this up.

  41. Uguu says:

    Esteemed author Moogy on the project? Confirmed for excellent.

  42. anon-niisama says:

    Does this tl project have any relation to:


  43. Yue says:

    YES, YES!
    Great news!!
    Was waiting forever for mirrormoon to pick it up, like other type-moon VN, but they never did. I hope you guys can finish this within a year or so.

  44. Nrvnqsr says:

    I can’t deal with it

  45. Naoe says:

    Commie subbing VNs now? are there other VN projects upcoming after this?

  46. Felix U. Fon says:

    …am I…dreaming?

  47. Priestly says:

    Well, this is a surprise. No idea if this’ll turn out good or bad, but glad this game is getting some attention.


  48. miichan19 says:

    so nowadays anime subber become nover subber eh,nice improve on internet world ;)and subber world

  49. Vittel says:

    Yeah!!! finally some progress on Mahoyo. Hopefully F/HA will get faster too.

    why the hell anyone would complain about someone translate VN? no one is forcing you to read it just be grateful it is in english

    • IceD says:

      It’s the other way around. Actually, no one cares. If someone decides to translate a high quality title, he/she should be at least aware of implications that may (no, actually will) come with that; people will usually hold very high expectations in such cases (especially fans), so don’t expect any sort of applause when shit hits the fan and translators will screw something badly, not to mention TL’ing something on a whim is beyond egoistical.

      I hope this is not the case in this particular situation.

      • Xythar says:

        What exactly is the proper, respectful way to decide to TL something?

        • IceD says:

          Yeah, I know you don’t give a fuck either. I still believe in you, though |:]

          Anyway, are you planning to continue with visual novels after completing Mahoyo, or is it a one time thingy for now?

          • Xythar says:

            That doesn’t answer my question. Also, I’m not working on this project, as you should be able to see from the main post.

            For the record, herkz and DxS have been working with VNs for longer than they’ve been fansubbing and this project was picked up independently of Commie something like six months ago because the translator and editors are all T-M fans, so this is pretty much the exact opposite of “on a whim”.

            I’d prefer it if you kept the kneejerk naysaying and backhanded compliments to yourself until you knew a bit more about the project. Showing up out of nowhere and telling the team that fansubbers should stay out of VN translation was unwarranted and rude.

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