$15 more
* PayPal balance: $114.27 USD
100 euros = 129.9700 US dollars
We’re almost there, would anyone like to fund the final gap?
Also, do note that this includes the server’s setup fee. After this first payment each monthly payment is 50 euros.
Attention-getter has moved deleted.
Edit: Goal probably reached. So taking down these donation posts.
Posted by RHExcelion under Defend the Motherland, Red Army Parades | Permalink
check out ayk solutions as well thought i would throw a name out there
awesome, thanks!
It’s sad that faggots are actually donating for this.
Commie are just a bunch of e-peen obsessed nerd fags that want to fuck around with a server (that you idiots pay for).
It’s completely unnecessary for fakesubbing.
what’s the legendary status?
hasn’t aired yet?
It actually aired 12 hours prior to you posting that comment.
Not that I care.
JK 10 hours, assumed it was pacific time zone.
we need the simulcast, not the JP air, though.
you mean “delayed shit that faggots couldn’t name properly”
Uhmmm I was just wondering.. did you drop Heroman?
where’s the attention getter? D:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29-q7YnyUmY a .gif of that
thx :D