
Otona Joshi no Anime Time 2 01


Posted by herkz under Otona Joshi no Anime Time 2, Releases | Permalink

19 Responses to “Otona Joshi no Anime Time 2 01”

  1. Shawn263241 says:

    Wait, what is this?

  2. Nyaasu says:

    thank you guys.

  3. Infralion says:


  4. aria says:

    Awesome, thanks for doing this!

  5. macxxx007 says:


    Thanks so much for the episode! Have a great night!

  6. Pantsu says:

    Thanks so much for subbing this, guys. You guys make an otona joshi happy.
    Also, does anyone know where I can download the subbed first season?

  7. Lily says:

    So, what about Jinsei Best 10? And thanks for Yuuge, although I didn’t really like the story that much, but welp, thanks again.

  8. kore wa クリミナル desu ka? says:

    wow what a jarring juxtaposition of live action and animu

  9. kore wa クリミナル desu ka? says:

    wow what a jarring juxtaposition of live action and animu