Zan: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei HELP NEEDED
OK, for those who haven’t heard, gg dropped it. I could go into details, but I’m not too sure on them and that’s not what this post is about.
Basically I asked one of Suimasen’s translators, and he would be willing to do episodes 12 and 13 if he had the manga raws for the relvant chapters, which are, and I quote:
episode 12 has the following chapters:
170,178,183episode 13 has:
187, 179 and especials 週刊少年マガジン増刊「マガジンドラゴン」掲載番外編『楽天大賞』(現時点では単行本未収録)、 and 週刊少年マガジン増刊「マガジンドラゴン」掲載番外編『夜間きよ飛行』(現時点では単行本未収録)
So we (and all those out there waiting for ZSZS subs) would appreciate it if someone could find them for us, or tell me which volume(s) they are in so I can find them myself.
Posted by fake admin under Defend the Motherland, Red Army Parades, Releases | Permalink
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ROZ02PF1 (pass:toshokan)
i’ll look for more if/when im bored
chapter 183: http://manga1.at.webry.info/200906/article_2.html
chapter 187: http://manga1.at.webry.info/200907/article_16.html
Are you guys going to finish this?
Yes, we’re getting there.