With the development in this episode, it will set the future betrayal for both Nobu and Caesar that mirroring their past life. I bet both Mitsuhide and Brutus will cross path in future; conspire to take down either one or both (Nobu finally learn the truth behind his brother assassination and Brutus dislike what Caesar has become).
Who in the WORLD is RaceOfAce?
a timer
me 1st?
Political marriage… What a twist!
Brute is guarding the mercant base. I can see where that goes.
I wonder if Ichihime bears his child, Julia.
With the development in this episode, it will set the future betrayal for both Nobu and Caesar that mirroring their past life. I bet both Mitsuhide and Brutus will cross path in future; conspire to take down either one or both (Nobu finally learn the truth behind his brother assassination and Brutus dislike what Caesar has become).
dat pun