
Kill la Kill 1-24 folder collection of episodes thing


RHExcelion: Oops I did something

Posted by RHExcelion under Kill La Kill, Releases | Permalink

16 Responses to “Kill la Kill 1-24 folder collection of episodes thing”

  1. johnny_dickpants says:

    No changes, literally just for ease of downloading.

  2. LN says:

    1 episode is corrupted – CRC don’t match

  3. Akane says:

    Oops my hand slipped
    (Incredibly detailed picture of a thing)

  4. Franky says:


  5. Sars says:

    Is there any chance you guys will be doing the BDs for Kill La Kill?

  6. flupperman says:

    kill la kill batch and NO SEXY PICTURE TO PROMOTE IT?! WHAAAT?!

  7. Jukey says:



  8. Basement Dad says:

    Hai guis. How about a Jojo Batch?