Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 10
herkz: Unfortunately for you, we haven’t dropped this show, and will most likely be on time again next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Posted by Servrhe under Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou, Releases | Permalinkherkz: Unfortunately for you, we haven’t dropped this show, and will most likely be on time again next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Posted by Servrhe under Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou, Releases | Permalink
Hopefully Futsuu won’t die next week.
Thank you guys.
Many thanks.
As long as it comes out there is no inconvenience.
i agree with above, as long as it gets released it’s no issue :) a week delay is tolerable, i believe strongly in quality over speedy release.
oh fuck did fuutsu grow a new arm already
no. we edited CR this week.
should edit CR for haikyuu too :)
i’d rather drop it
Sorry for bothering you guys on IRC, and thanks for the wonderful release.
sogen approves of such wise decisions and looks forward to more kawai in das near future, only and only from commi-sama
Thanks. ^)^
pretty sure this “inconvenience” also applies to inugami-san to nekoyama-san
That inconvenience is called “Squiddicks subbing bad shows”.
I’m not sure how it would