Belated Happy Belated Valentine's Belated on the Day of Belation (which is Belated)
In post celebration we will now default to a Miku theme.
Apparently some jealous retard has gone around claiming copyright on Miku’s Youtube videos.
In addition to notifying you how retarded this is we have gone and made our mark on objectionably copyrighted material and resubmitted it to Youtube:
And here’s a (completely softsubbed):
I’m really happy for you, and I’mma let you use it, but the Horizon theme is the best theme of all time.
Of all time.
More info about the copyright nonsense: http://savemiku.wikia.com/
>Implying Horizon isn’t the better theme
It’s overrated. I used Denpa before the Miku theme came out, much nicer.
>not using pickles theme so that greentext is barely visible
So what does Commie have planned for Miku’s giving day?
10000:1 scale model erected over the White House.
>10000:1 scale model erected over the White House.
And on that day a legend was born.
>500+ line script >1 minute long video
>yfw it could be much, much longer (but wouldn’t look much better)
So let me get this straight.
Some gaijin uploads a creation using Vocaloid and Miku.
Some other gaijin removes it claiming copyright infringement.
Are gaijins uploading ALREADY copyrighted songs being sung by Miku or original work? Why is Japan involved?
I understand nothing.
As I understand it, it’s more a case of some hater going around filing bogus copyright claims on Miku videos and Youtube being retarded as per usual.
It’s 100% trolling by some hater(s).
The Miku theme is lovely, good job! Now using.
However, the Miku in the banner looks sickly.
I like to think there is a limit to how retarded people can be. But some folks just love raising the bar.
Nothing beats Tenshi theme.
My video seems to be fine, guess it’s the low view count?
I love this Miku’s theme very much!
False DMCA claims constitute perjury. This guy could get in a lot of trouble if anyone actually gave a shit.
Nice layout.
Hey faggots. I can’t get on IRC because my ISP switched to a different dumb pipe provider today, and now every time I try to log on I get k-lined for 3 days because they think there’s an insecure proxy being run on this static IP.
It’s happened twice now. I appealed the first one and had it cleared, but now that it just happened again, I’m just saying “fuck it”.
So, fuck it. This is fucking ridiculous. I have no idea what to do.
Have an intern fill in.
I emailed you.
Have you tried restarting your computerNah, I’m not even going to go there. Tried scanning for malware?
This happened to me once. ISP switched pipes and I still had a channel I was banned from on auto-join so I got k-lined because they thought I was ban-evading. My appeal went nowhere too.
So dumb. For any other Miku lovers, or just interested in Vocaloid, best site I found is mikudb.com. Love it, have so many albums now. Clean Tears is my fav artist by far.
Shameless product placement http://i.imgur.com/7HaBZ.jpg
tsk tsk tsk
Well last I checked… it IS a google chrome ad…
your post read as : how to miss THE fucking logo
oh well.
I need my shana~!
You’re God.
All dat “upload”
All dat “AAAAAA”
All dat “1”
So many lines, so little time.
Really nice typesetting, by the way.
Way to ditch the internship, Tysonblast.
I’m sorry. It couldn’t be helped.
I’m still working on and off with scripts and hope to work with you guys someday when I’m less of a lazy faggot.
Though, as a timer and not a typesetter.
hey is there anywhere we can download the background image of the miku theme? it absolutely amazing
> click view source
> find stylesheet
> read stylesheet
> generate the URL http://commiesubs.com/wp-content/themes/miku/images/bg-body.jpg
Your forgot
>Get JPG version of image cropped to fit the screen and whited out at the edges instead of the original HQ image
you have me beat
does anyone here want to scanlate these for me?
or just summarize them. watching sengoku play jinsei game made me want to go out and buy it, but now i have no idea how to actually play this game. somebody help please!
It’s the Game of Life. Google it.
(TL note: It’s not a Japanese game.)
this is from your video, right?