
Terror in Tokyo 10


skiddiks: mfw we caught up before the finale

Posted by skiddiks under Releases, Terror in Tokyo | Permalink

19 Responses to “Terror in Tokyo 10”

  1. VanFinale says:

    Captain Earth catch up next please?

  2. keemeef~ says:

    Will skiddiks typeset, be a one-man staff for and save Tokyo Ghoul too?… In Based skiddiks the savior we trust.

  3. Oni Me no Link says:

    Thank you very, very, very, very, very much! (*^_^*)

  4. Xall says:

    Now I have to download half a season of superior commie subs again. Thank you commie-sama.

  5. Someone says:

    RIP Wagnaria ;_;7

  6. Xall says:

    You guys have forgotten to put up this post under Terror no Tokyou