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herkz: Why is anyone still watching this?
I gave up after Ep 3. The original anime is far superior (for values of “superior” that can be applied to Sailor Moon in the first place).
No idea. Ask Koda!
To get my bi-weekly dose of Deus ex Machina.
Shatner watches it.
thanks :D
>no new OP
Top fucking kek.
>implying toei can afford that
Budget’s too low, they’ll ruin the show even more.
>Making this and not more Dragon Ball while Nozawa is still alive
why are you still subbing it
Because dropping shows midway is a shitty thing to do? Why do you think?
Haha, doesn’t seem to be an issue with you guys any other time though. :P
I’ve never dropped a show. I can’t speak for people like Shirt, though.
‘Cause you’re still subbing it. Duh!
Because everyone secretly loves SM.
*actually genuinely likes Sailor Moon Crystal*
i’m sorry for your loss
I gave up after Ep 3. The original anime is far superior (for values of “superior” that can be applied to Sailor Moon in the first place).
No idea. Ask Koda!
To get my bi-weekly dose of Deus ex Machina.
Shatner watches it.
thanks :D
>no new OP
Top fucking kek.
>implying toei can afford that
Budget’s too low, they’ll ruin the show even more.
>Making this and not more Dragon Ball while Nozawa is still alive
why are you still subbing it
Because dropping shows midway is a shitty thing to do? Why do you think?
Haha, doesn’t seem to be an issue with you guys any other time though. :P
I’ve never dropped a show. I can’t speak for people like Shirt, though.
‘Cause you’re still subbing it. Duh!
Because everyone secretly loves SM.
*actually genuinely likes Sailor Moon Crystal*
i’m sorry for your loss