
Log Horizon 2 24


fugiman: In memory of Dozo. 1991-2015 R.I.P.

Posted by Servrhe under Log Horizon, Releases | Permalink

64 Responses to “Log Horizon 2 24”

  1. MadoQ says:

    R.I.P o_o7

  2. Widdershins says:

    ( ̄;^ ̄)ゞ

  3. yaaaa says:

    Rest in peace.

  4. Petoyusa says:


    I hope he was aware that he was a kind of hero.

  5. KaitoKid says:


  6. HyakuPercent says:

    I will forever remember you ;_;7

  7. stephon says:


  8. Name required says:

    He’s living in the database now.

  9. CRAZEH247 says:

    R.I.P. man.

    I never knew him. I literally just turn 24 like 2 days ago and he died so young.

  10. MasterCATZ says:

    yet another huge loss to the fansubbing community