Your dedication is to be admired, and good to hear you are feeling at least a little better. Wish I could share a magic remedy but the best I can think of would be a hot toddy which would probably hurt worse than help. :(
I’m assuming you just got you tonsils removed, cause the same thing happened when I had mine removed, I recomend a lot of meal shakes like ensure, nothing solid cause if enough scabs get peeled off you’ll wind up going to the hospital like I did and going back down under the knife and staying the night at the hospital like me and that was 3 years ago when i was 16, but thanks again for the release
OMG THANKS§/:!!:!&&11
Take care of yourself, you’ll be healed soon.
try warm water/honey to help the healing?
also, thanks for being so dedicated O_O
Cheers for the subs.
Also I kind of know that feel, just got over a horrible throat infection only for it to be followed up with glandular fever.
Aids must suck fag
Ohhh seems i picked an awesome time to log off mw3.
Get well soon.
And thanks for release.
Yes, my bodi is redi
thank you for GC please so get some rest *hands you tea*
epic typesetting?
This anime is great!
Heyo. Hope you feel better soon. :)
thanks for the release !
Your dedication is to be admired, and good to hear you are feeling at least a little better. Wish I could share a magic remedy but the best I can think of would be a hot toddy which would probably hurt worse than help. :(
Sounds like hell.
This is cool and all but
> scabs on throat
Nigga see a medical professional
Took you long enough, I’ve been waiting for my fix
Thanks for the release. Sounds like you are pretty sick so I hope you get better
NTR episode??? kinda waiting for Shu to join the military and fighting vs Undertaker
Thanks! Hope you feel better! Appreciate the work =D
Tea with honey and lemon soothes every time. Get well soon!
I’m assuming you just got you tonsils removed, cause the same thing happened when I had mine removed, I recomend a lot of meal shakes like ensure, nothing solid cause if enough scabs get peeled off you’ll wind up going to the hospital like I did and going back down under the knife and staying the night at the hospital like me and that was 3 years ago when i was 16, but thanks again for the release
What I never had anything removed. It hurts like… halfway down my throat.
Thanks for this!
Try heated milk with honey–it’s nice and soothing on a sore throat, and can help put you to sleep at night.
Pharyngitis + Fever ;__;
Anyway, thanks for this release :D !
Get well soon, and consume Vitamin C though.
where is last exile you fuckers
Thank you!
I see what you did there. :-P
Thanks dude. Feel better! fyi…theraflu is your friend~