hoo~~ so u decided to release this AFTER releasin ep20 , guess u still need to learn how the numbers go..#19 goes BEFORE #20 just so u know in the future.
Little douchebags like you are funny. So what made you become such a bitch, wannabe net-thug? I bet your sorry ass gets beat by like every kid on the block, regularly, so you have to vent all that sad frustration hiding behind a keyboard. Nice, I hope it at least saves you some money on therapy bills.
Damn, you’re caught up (sort of). And here I was hoping you would stall me more time to finish my master plan before everyone sees the rest of the series….
Okay, just tried, and works fine for me with Klite 8.4, so I’m just going to do this the old-fashioned way and say your computer is possessed and a witch.
Is this it? Can it be true? Am I dreaming? What is love?
Thank you for the release of both Persona episodes. Fuck the haters!
Great things come to those who wait.
hoo~~ so u decided to release this AFTER releasin ep20 , guess u still need to learn how the numbers go..#19 goes BEFORE #20 just so u know in the future.
are you gonna be here all week?
umad faggot?
u jelly?
Little douchebags like you are funny. So what made you become such a bitch, wannabe net-thug? I bet your sorry ass gets beat by like every kid on the block, regularly, so you have to vent all that sad frustration hiding behind a keyboard. Nice, I hope it at least saves you some money on therapy bills.
>every kid on the block
fucking lol. are you twelve years old?
Actually, I think he was implying Hassy was twelve years old. :V
ya I realized that a few hours after I commented.
Fucking faggot. Gtfo.
Wait, so why did you release 20 first when they were both done?
To troll, obviously.
nothing left to whine about. ahaha.
The group could always get someone else to edit P4A anyway. Relying on 1 person is too much though when said person has uncertain circumstances.
editor does his job every week without a problem.
Yeah, except last week.
typesetter != editor
There’s a difference between typesetting and editing. <_<
where the fuck is my maria?
Why does this release right after I decide to watch the TAN rips? ;A;
Thanks for the hard work guys.
Dear, fucking Commie.
I fucking love you.
I love every single one of you.
Thank you
Thank you so god damn much.
Now that’s what i am talking about =)
Yay!! Thanks :D
oh sweet thanks for the release
THERE it is!
Thanks so much for the double-dose of PE-RU-SO-NA!
Thanks again and good night!
I only feel kind of trolled, part of me expected it when you said EP20 was already done a few posts ago
It is worth to wait!!! YAY :D
I remember when gg did this shit with Madoka 12 and 11… good times.
They were, weren’t they
Thanks for the releases, even if we did have to wait for them.
AWESOME! Now where’s Maria?
Subtle troll is subtle.
My body is so fucking ready!
Persona fucking heeeeeeeeere~ \(@.@)/
Th-thank you beary much, Commmie-san. >///<
yay double release, cheers commie was worth the wait :)
I love you.
Damn, you’re caught up (sort of). And here I was hoping you would stall me more time to finish my master plan before everyone sees the rest of the series….
All according to keikaku
T/N Note: keikaku means plan
This chart outrages me. Even if she’s not real, Yui should be more than enough for women to score higher on this test than men by default.
Oh, there’s also a release. This is good.
Congrats on scoring a 50 on that autism test! All your hard work and late-night studying paid off, I guess?
But all joking aside, how the heck would a real person who would score a 50 even be able to take the test in the first place?
@3:31 ~ “What can we do? Can we could back out?”
Screenshot that shit, it’s going on the wall of shame.
Hurry, patch! Patch! I’m bleeding!
k mengz I have a problem here coz I installed the newest k-lite codec pack 8.4 and episode 19 doesnt work for me QQ
Uninstall k-lite and any other codec packs, install latest CCCP, try it again.
Okay, just tried, and works fine for me with Klite 8.4, so I’m just going to do this the old-fashioned way and say your computer is possessed and a witch.
Thanks for all your hard work on P4, Commie. Keep it up. :)
YEAH Asperger Syndrome!!!
I scored 21 =)
38. I bow to the master.
Did no one else notice the “Baron-Cohen, S” in the credits? I thought it was a joke at first…