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Zetsuen no Tempest 7Torrent
Hayate wher… sigh.
>implying anyone cares about hayate
then, Maria Fucking Where?
[13:55:55] <&herkz> .mariafuckingwhere [13:55:55] -ServrheV2- Maria†Holic: Alive 9 will be released in 167 days
At least fix the showtimes, Hayate 7 is marked as done there since forever.
it’s not broken
So, it’s really done, but nobody wants to release it?
no, rhe QCs it, but i guess he doesn’t want to
Sweet and thanks!
Hayate wher… sigh.
>implying anyone cares about hayate
then, Maria Fucking Where?
[13:55:55] <&herkz> .mariafuckingwhere
[13:55:55] -ServrheV2- Maria†Holic: Alive 9 will be released in 167 days
At least fix the showtimes, Hayate 7 is marked as done there since forever.
it’s not broken
So, it’s really done, but nobody wants to release it?
no, rhe QCs it, but i guess he doesn’t want to
Sweet and thanks!