Oh do excuse me I forgot that I need to elaborate my affirmation for the simple minded to understand.
He could look up on the internet how to merge files or he could extract the subtitles and put them on the RAW which happens to be merged ( also possible thanks to the magical interwebz)
Sincerely , your biological father.
Hooray, thanks!
What about that merged release of Nekomonogatari?
eta ???
How about you merge them yourself ?
Learn to INTERNET!
Because merging files is done by the internet right?
Could you be more retarded?
He asked for the ETA since it was stated in a previous post that they might do it
Oh do excuse me I forgot that I need to elaborate my affirmation for the simple minded to understand.
He could look up on the internet how to merge files or he could extract the subtitles and put them on the RAW which happens to be merged ( also possible thanks to the magical interwebz)
Sincerely , your biological father.
what does RAW stand for? since you capitalized it, i assume it is some kind of acronym
Curious about this, myself.
You guys have a pretty impressive typesetter.
Yep. The five As in Haidaraaaaa are for “aaaaawesome.”
sorry to ask but what happend to Psycho Pass ??
Next episode airs on the 10th.
too slow *thwack*
Thank you!
Don’t stop your beautiful typesetting.
Seriously guys why are these taking so long?
You used to get these out my Monday, IT’S NEARLY FRIDAY AND STILL NOTHING!