Boku dake ga Inai Machi 11
herkz: i wish i could learn kanji in my sleep like satoru
Posted by Servrhe under Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Releases | Permalinkherkz: i wish i could learn kanji in my sleep like satoru
Posted by Servrhe under Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Releases | Permalink
Stayed up super late for this one. Thanks for the release, guys.
Fantastic job with the OP typesetting
Thanks for all the effort you put into the show and awesome job with the OP this episode.
>she didn’t marry souda hiromi in the anime
And like others said, excellent job with the OP.
thanks commie
Don’t we all, Herkz ?
>tfw I was right about the moobie
You don’t need to lie to me herkz-kun
i started working on it before harmony was even released
Ah. Thanks for the info. Now I know your other movie project :^^^^)
I used to work in retail. I’d rather be in a coma.