TERA Sticky (Update)
If anyone isn’t playing the game anymore (or even if you are) and has any excess gold, weapons, armor, alkahest, scrolls, etc, feel free to donate them to “Rhexcelion” at Mt. Tyrannus. Server transfers are currently free. Bonus points for strongbox keys.
If anyone currently is playing the game and would be willing to help me level, feel free to list your ingame name in a comment below and I’ll add you on my main.
Posted by RHExcelion under Defend the Motherland, Personal Blog | Permalink | 56 Comments »Commie Donation Drive
We’re looking for a few rich generous people who can donate us copies of TERA Online (the initial activation code). Yes, we know it’s going to be F2P soon. We’d like Founder status.
Consider this as an alternative to regular donations if you can’t use Paypal for some reason. (or if you just have extra copies of TERA you never opened, we’d be happy to take those off your hands too)
You’re also welcome to join our guild – it shouldn’t be too hard to find us. We’re on the PVP server.
If you’d like to help, email
Winter Recruitment
Edit 1/17:
One editor actually passed!
Still looking for translators and Mahoyo editors. Or maybe Kyhz just needs to grade the Mahoyo tests.
Posted by RHExcelion under Defend the Motherland | Permalink | 130 Comments »We’re expanding!
…or something.
Posted by herkz under Defend the Motherland | Permalink | 32 Comments »We're expanding!
…or something.
Posted by RHExcelion under Defend the Motherland | Permalink | 32 Comments »