HeartCatch Precure! 39 (and more)
Since the movie is set between this episode and the next, you may want to watch it after this episode. Perhaps you’d even like to watch it with subs like ours. Well, look no further. I’ve edited, retimed, retypeset, changed to our styles, and used our songs and terminology for Kirakira’s release (found here and here).
Here is the 720p script and here is the 1080p script. They have the fonts attached and should work just by renaming them to be the same as other BD releases (only above Kirakira releases are tested). If the fonts don’t work for whatever reason, you can download them here.
If Toei ever releases BDs for the series, we’ll probably release our own version of the movie, but this will have to do for now.
Posted by Servrhe under HeartCatch Precure!, Releases | Permalink | 13 Comments »HeartCatch Precure! 38
herkz: >tfw more heart goes on
Posted by Servrhe under HeartCatch Precure!, Releases | Permalink | 6 Comments »HeartCatch Precure! 37
HeartCatch Precure! 36
HeartCatch Precure! 35
herkz: Is anyone at Toei even awake?
Posted by Servrhe under HeartCatch Precure!, Releases | Permalink | 6 Comments »