Denki-Gai no Honya-san 06

skiddiks: On the first day of Christmas, my skiddiks gave to me: a denki guy in a dead tree #SkiddiksSavesChristmas #TwelveDaysOfSkiddmas
Posted by Servrhe under Denki-Gai no Honya-san, HashtagSkiddiksSavesSomething, Releases | Permalink
>Sereft came back to life
Fuck Sereft
well that’s not very nice
Thanks for being alive, Sereft, ilu bby.
thx skiddiks, i luv ur present <333
Skiddles I love you.
Ah, but I caved in and caught up on this last week. Can you do Inou now? Haven’t caved in on that yet.
>tfw skiddiks is databased
that a pizza-hut?
Awesome! Thanks a ton for getting back to this guys!