Exams, Etc, and Kuroshitsuji OVA
<RHExcelion> johnny go make a post about exams, etc, kuroshitsuji OVA
<johnny_dickpants> you make the blogpost man i got no fuckin’ clue what you’re talking about
<RHExcelion> Fuck
<RHExcelion> Fine -3-
And Kuroshitsuji OVA | DDL
What happened to on time release for LOLH?
also what happened to senba2 episode 9 before december 1st?
Notice how they didn’t specify a year?
Anyway, thanks guys.
Pure you fucker.
Just keep refreshing this page.
When i say I’ll do something, I do it.
>giga pudding
I didn’t see that coming
“Expect on-time releases from now on.”
lolololololol nice one, you had me going there for a bit
Commie, you so crazy
Which level of calc?
What is happening with Nura?
What does the scouter say about its power level?
Thanks for the OVA Episode!
Did he just shake his hand?
Calculus has nothing on Physical Chemistry at 7:30 am, then Thermodynamics, and finally Mass Diffusion finals all on one day.
If you got hungry from all that Giga Purin, here’s a cute girl who instructs how to make your own purin:
Even cats like purin :D
release some anime plz.
As you wish.
Lol, thanks for the release^^