As far as I’m concerned, commie are brilliant. I always get commie releases whenever possible.
I also compared ZnT, Horrible, Hadena and Commie. Because ZnT is my favourite anime/novel ever. Commie was definitely the best. Though I think Brimir was subbed as something else.
Yeah, Hadena Tl’d “Brimir” as “Brimille”. I guess because since the series takes place in a parallel universe Belgium, they think everything needs to be French-ish. In spite of all the Nordic/Germanic vocabulary that permeates the series.
Commie has come a long way from the old web rip days. Now I wait for Commie releases, they are definitely among those setting the bar.
Most of the people criticizing subs couldn’t sub a milk carton if their lives depended on it.
“Every ass wants to stand with the kings horses, which explains the existence of critics” – I don’t know who said this, but it’s more than true.
Thank you Commie. I go for your releases first always. Horriblesubs follows a close second but I really hate that they are too lazy to sub openings and ending so have no clue what the song is about. Keep up the great work!
People stop complaining before Commie makes the next release look like an e. e. cummings poem.
>Implying /v/ kids understand basic English
As far as I’m concerned, commie are brilliant. I always get commie releases whenever possible.
I also compared ZnT, Horrible, Hadena and Commie. Because ZnT is my favourite anime/novel ever. Commie was definitely the best. Though I think Brimir was subbed as something else.
Episode 4 where ;_;. Hadena has 5 out now.
Yeah, Hadena Tl’d “Brimir” as “Brimille”. I guess because since the series takes place in a parallel universe Belgium, they think everything needs to be French-ish. In spite of all the Nordic/Germanic vocabulary that permeates the series.
Commie has come a long way from the old web rip days. Now I wait for Commie releases, they are definitely among those setting the bar.
Most of the people criticizing subs couldn’t sub a milk carton if their lives depended on it.
“Every ass wants to stand with the kings horses, which explains the existence of critics” – I don’t know who said this, but it’s more than true.
Thank you Commie. I go for your releases first always. Horriblesubs follows a close second but I really hate that they are too lazy to sub openings and ending so have no clue what the song is about. Keep up the great work!
Horriblesubs don’t actually sub anything, they just rip the subs/video/timing directly from Crunchyroll. It’s all automated.
>implying commie don’t do the same
They just mad, Commie. Your subs are the best ones, even if you take some time to release, at least it’s worth it.
“People stop complaining before Commie makes the next release look like an e. e. cummings poem.”
I want to see that. They should do the next Another with YeOldeEnglish… If they can…
>book looks like its never been opened
>Garner’s Modern American Usage
Explains a lot.
Can we could back out?