Who are you?


A small group of “dedicated” “fansubbers” “devoted” to bringing the “best” possible “releases” to the field.


You guys sound awesome, how do I join?


We’re usually recruiting at the beginning and end of a season (and we’re obvious about it most of the time), but if you’re a translator, just pop on in. If you want to just come chat with us, #[email protected] is the place to go (or click the IRC link at the top there).


You guys suck. Where can I file my complaint?


IRC. Be coherent.


I am offended by something you guys put in your subs.


A: That’s not a question.
B: Here.
B2: Here.
B3: Here.


I want to do a joint with you guys for X. Who do I contact?


Go away.


Can I use your subs for X?


Go ahead, just don’t be a dick about it. “Being a dick about it” constitutes doing it in such a way that if you fuck up, people bother us about your screwups.

Will you provide me with the sub file only, since I already have the raw? (Actual question we’ve been asked)


No, we’re too lazy to do that. Download and extract them yourself.
Use this
And this
Please note that we are not their tech support so if something bad happens, go to them.


Batch where?




Batching means fixing mistakes that weren’t supposed to be there in the first place. Most of the time we just want a show to go away.


Are you dropping X because Y is subbing it/streaming it


When will you release X?


More coming soon!

495 Responses to “FAQ”

  1. Shin says:

    Thanks for all the works over the years. Btw, do you guys have any plans for Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai S1,S2 BDs in the future? plus Haikyuu S4 Sentai BDs are coming soon. I assume you’ll use those? since no one’s posting JPBD because it’s expensive.

    • herkz says:

      haikyuu probably yes, other stuff no

      • Shin says:

        Oh,I see. I thought since you guys did Ore Monogatari BD, I assumed there was slight chance that you’ll do this as well in the near future. I guess TV version will do. As for the Haikyuu, will it include Eng Dub along with it? I know you rarely do Dual Audio, but since you are using USBD I was wondering..

  2. leo says:

    Are you guys picking up any show this season? :thonk:

  3. huex2 says:

    will you guys encode Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute?

  4. heathenwill says:

    Any chance we could get the second part of Koyomimonogatari?

  5. Alch says:

    any chance of subbing any of the new isekai right now?

    Also i feel groups like this are more necessary these days

  6. Daff says:

    Hi,guys. Can you reseed the Haikyuu series torrents (especially the 720p one). Also can you release the BD version of Haikyuu To The Top? I like you subs. Thanks!

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