Fate⁄stay Night Unlimited Blade Works 11

skiddiks: On the ninth day of Christmas, my skiddiks gave to me: Nine Tohsakas sassing, eight maids-a-milking, seven Shinjis-a-winning, six Rosalies-a-laying, FIVE GOLDEN KINGS, four stalling nerds, three French maids, two turtle tits, and a denki guy in a dead tree #SkiddiksSavesChristmas #TwelveDaysOfSkiddmas
Posted by Servrhe under Fate/stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, HashtagSkiddiksSavesSomething, Releases | Permalink
“watabout 3some with seiba?”
Just like me…
Weekly reminder that Rin a Bestest and sakura a shit
Tohsaka > Every other nasu girl > shit > horse shit > bat shit > Sakura
guano was very valuable
Tenths of hundreds of thousands of trillion times more valuable than shittiest nasu girl ever
Tohsaka’s anus. This is the place where the world goes now.
It is a great nightmare.
As expected of the Commie Shiouro, everyone to that anus lol
I like the Fate series. This is so hard to watch knowing how it ends. Hoping every episode that something happens but it doesn’t. They are doing a good job of explaining everything but episodes like this are just boring.