Granblue Fantasy
Anyone got a crew with decent buffs and NA strike times (after 7:30PM CST) I could join?
If I can’t find one I’ll probably look to start up my own.
ID: 10962389
If you haven’t checked out the game before, check it out. It’s pretty fun, has English translations, and is fully voiced by top-tier VAs.
Posted by RHExcelion under Personal Blog, Red Army Parades, RHE's loli collection | Permalink
english translations…. i wonder if my account is retreveable
>current year
>not playing BoteCollection
>Implying implications

>marrying multiple botes
[disdain for RHE]
I’m sorry that you were brought up in an environment where your brain was crammed full of societal norms that don’t make any sense biologically.
Thanks for proving my point :^)
Enjoy your brainwashing.
> RHE plays KanColle
RNG and compass abuse made me rage quit – send me to the wrong node even with a boat party of the required ships. And the voices are cute but get annoying real fast (yes, I used the shipgirl voice mute option).
Otherwise I would be sending my shipwaifu on a Expedition.
I don’t see Iowa on that list wutface
I’m not a fan of extravagantly wasting resources to level a ship to 90+ that will eventually gain a ton of levels anyway.
Yeah, same here. PVPs can do the leveling for me just fine. Specially if you’re getting tired of leveling up high-leveled ships that you decided to level up the weaker ones. Rinse and repeat.
Are you playing on PC ? and if not, does the game have cross-play ?
Yes and yes.
Damn, this thing is addictive, I only played Terra Battle before as it’s the only mobile game worth looking into, but this is just as interesting.
I played it during the collab with Cinderella Girls. The co-op was pretty cool but had to stop because Mobage was already taking a toll on my sanity.
And wallet.
I don’t know why but I expected you to have a lower ID number in Granblue.
I started playing 2 weeks ago.
Unless you’re whaling, that kind of progress took me a month.
I’m a professional mobage player, you know?
I would offer but my Guild that I run is full
This game has piqued my interest. Will a F2P player have any *gulp* FUN or is this another game of whales?
This isn’t a game for the weak. You’ve been warned.