Nyarlko’s 10:32 line is a Monster Hunter 3G reference, should probably translate as “… use a stronger Slime element and aim for a parts break” instead.
[15:31:50] {&Xythar} 爆破属性 (Explosive attirubute)/ 部位破壊 (Parts destruction)
[15:31:54] {&Haidaraaaaa} Blast isn’t an element per say. there IS slime which does explosive damage but I doubt that’s what they mean
[15:32:40] {&Haidaraaaaa} and that slime has to stack on an enemy before exploding.
[15:32:55] {&Nanu} Explosive or blast, either way works.
[15:33:14] {&Nanu} it’s one of the attributes one can strengthen his weapon in Monster Hunter
[15:35:01] {&Haidaraaaaa} the only real explosive thing you can upgrade would be bomb skills.
Oh my, that OP. I didn’t think it was possible to come up with a catchier song than the first one. Clearly I was wrong. My only complaint is that the font doesn’t match the energy of the song. Not that that’s stopped me from watching it over and over.
i hope u dont fuck this one up commie.
Thanks! I know I’ll get a lot of great laughs out of this!
uwaaa! my eldritch abomination waifu is back! hahaha.
Seems like the fonts for the OP and ED are missing.
no Merriweather Sans/Blue Highway makes me sad
oh yeah, and dat layering http://i.imgur.com/i6YuAhw.jpg
>not Attack on Evil Deity
are you even trying?
Cross-group consistency, you know? If you don’t understand what I’m talking about, there’s a lengthy essay you clearly have to read.
10/10 gr8 subs will delete again
Will you guys be doing Hayate again as you did the last season. I don’t see in the Showtimes, so I’m guessing no?
it’s awful so no one wants to edit it (and the person who edited s3 died or something)
Dropped the ball on this one.
i dont follow
You did this http://i.imgur.com/zOXpca7.jpg in the past.
Will you do a v2 for this?
Thanks for the release anyways.
You could just install the fonts, probably not unless someone(herkplz) wants to v2 it with the fonts.
There’s a little error in .bat file patch for v2. It should be xdelta3 instead of delta3. Some dumb people will probably have problem with that.
whoops, lemme fix that
Nyarlko’s 10:32 line is a Monster Hunter 3G reference, should probably translate as “… use a stronger Slime element and aim for a parts break” instead.
Thanks. I actually asked about that line but nobody could tell me what it was meant to be.
Dammit Haidaraaaaa you had one job
[15:31:50] {&Xythar} 爆破属性 (Explosive attirubute)/ 部位破壊 (Parts destruction)
[15:31:54] {&Haidaraaaaa} Blast isn’t an element per say. there IS slime which does explosive damage but I doubt that’s what they mean
[15:32:40] {&Haidaraaaaa} and that slime has to stack on an enemy before exploding.
[15:32:55] {&Nanu} Explosive or blast, either way works.
[15:33:14] {&Nanu} it’s one of the attributes one can strengthen his weapon in Monster Hunter
[15:35:01] {&Haidaraaaaa} the only real explosive thing you can upgrade would be bomb skills.
>but I doubt that’s what they mean
w/e I’ll fix in batch.
I didn’t rule it out. the way you were describing it made it sound like it wasn’t slime.
Though I suppose it’s my fault for being tired and overlooking the 部位破壊 (Parts destruction) part. That basically screams slime element.
Oh my, that OP. I didn’t think it was possible to come up with a catchier song than the first one. Clearly I was wrong. My only complaint is that the font doesn’t match the energy of the song. Not that that’s stopped me from watching it over and over.
Feel free to recommend better fonts then please. I usually just use Sans serif fonts for styling.
comic sans
comic sans
commie sans
I hadn’t really thought about it, but going through all the fonts I have, maybe something like:
Just ideas, I’m not exactly great at picking out fonts.
I terms of the rider references, what groups’ subs do you use for the respective riders?
Over-time, T-N, Aesir or others I’ve not heard of?
I don’t work on this show, but Over-Time are great guys. MidnightSubCrew and Aesir are also bros. T-N is literally the best group in existence.
T-N can’t translate for shit, and i really hope you’re joking
Nah bro TVN are totes dabes.
Like, ya know?
Nonsense. We never do that here.
I just use whatever Nanu suggests or leave what CR has because I don’t watch toku. Sorry!