
Inferno Cop Soundtrack


A special treat from a certain group member.

Posted by herkz under Inferno Cop, Releases | Permalink

15 Responses to “Inferno Cop Soundtrack”

  1. nil says:

    Greatest thing since sliced bread.

  2. girigiri says:

    Downloading at the speed of DSL

  3. Tyson says:

    Thank you very much, certain group member.

  4. durp says:

    Is there a booklet with lyrics? If yes, can you scan them?

  5. Titakin says:

    Inferno Cop, Be my God!

  6. Frosty says:

    Tracks 4, 12, and 17 are corrupted on the MP3 torrent – is there any way you could upload those files again?

  7. Titakin says:

    @ Frosty, No corruption for me ya should redownload it …

  8. infernopolizei says:

    Is it possible to upload a scanned image of the CD cover?