Kill la Kill 05
release: <&skiddiks> release is a faggot <&release> fuck im stupid
Posted by Servrhe under Kill La Kill, Releases | Permalinkrelease: <&skiddiks> release is a faggot <&release> fuck im stupid
Posted by Servrhe under Kill La Kill, Releases | Permalink
“I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle”
But he already has the motorcycle. And the boots. And a catchphrase. Besides, he’s a nudist.
no, he fears clothes. he’s a psycho.
did anyone notice pixels at 4:28 point?
update your filters. can be caused by too much action.
yeah, the rip was corrupted. blame fugiman
already got the latest cccp prob is still there but is last for only 2secs so doubt it with the filter
typo, i have the latest cccp the problem still exist thou it only last for like 2secs so i doubt it would be the filter
so can we expect a v2 or something
maybe for the batch
not right now