The kana spelling becomes nyaruko which is where that name comes from, but Nyarlko is infinitely better closer to the source.
I think this should be “Nyaruko”. Note that the word “nyaru” written in kana, but the word “ko” written in kanji, so I guess the creator meant Nyaruko as “Child/descendant of Nyar”. I think if the creator of this show meant as “Nyarl” it’d be written ニャルロ子 instead of ニャル子.
Maybe I am, but take a look at the video @14:19, and what’s written on the right side of the board? NYARLATHOTEP written in kana, right? ニャルラトホテプ (NYA-Ru-RA-To-HO-TE-Pu — if you know what I mean).
Well….I guess no use in more arguing over this because of lack of official source (I don’t see wikipedia as “official source”).
The typeset chart at 6:18 with Yahiro’s personal information says he’s on “2nd year, class 4, roll number 22”. I was like “Wait, what? Is he rolling dice on an RPG or something?”. I believe it should have been “row”, the row in the class where he’s seated, but since it is unlikely that a classroom would have 22 rows of seats, it’s probably “seat number 22”.
Everything else seems spotless as always. Thanks Commie.
There are quite a few references to Gundam ships and mobile suites in this series, so far: Braw Bro, Gaw, Gaza C, Dijeh and Zakrello. Si I guess anytime you come across any of these references you can check the Gundam wikia (I know it’s not an “official” source) for preoper spelling, although you only mispelt “Gau”, which is “Gaw” :)
stfu, herkz.
don’t spam ur own group’s blog
I hate you fuckers both.
PS: Arnavion, posting comments looks like shit with Miku theme + Opera plz2supportshitbrowsers.
Sub-reason: What if Kyhz was a girl?
Let’s see how will this will do for a lover of Lovecraft’s works.
Basically unrelated.
Cool, I’m glad you’re doing this too.
Let’s see if you can beat your record of one (1) Nyaruani episode this time.
oh you
You call the show with the worst heroine of all time the best show..? Shit taste confirmed.
yeah rhe has no taste
but it’s not awful
It has potential. Will keep watching for now.
The Crawling Horror
Hope you caught the many references, as there were a shitton.
Haiyore! Nyarlko or Haiyore! Nyaruko-san?
because if i use Haiyore! Nyarlko in anidb, it won’t show.
The kana spelling becomes nyaruko which is where that name comes from, but Nyarlko is infinitely better closer to the source.
I think this should be “Nyaruko”. Note that the word “nyaru” written in kana, but the word “ko” written in kanji, so I guess the creator meant Nyaruko as “Child/descendant of Nyar”. I think if the creator of this show meant as “Nyarl” it’d be written ニャルロ子 instead of ニャル子.
Nyarl + ko
You should work for CR—because you suck at picking names as much as they do.
Maybe I am, but take a look at the video @14:19, and what’s written on the right side of the board? NYARLATHOTEP written in kana, right? ニャルラトホテプ (NYA-Ru-RA-To-HO-TE-Pu — if you know what I mean).
Well….I guess no use in more arguing over this because of lack of official source (I don’t see wikipedia as “official source”).
You’ve been linked to three times now. Try clicking it and reading it. Then think about what an “official source” is.
Also, the ko in nyaruko doesn’t mean child/descendant. ko is a common suffix for girl’s names.
These are what I considered an official sources:
Protip: Nyarlko is a moe-anthropomorphized version of H. P. Lovecraft’s “Nyarlathotep”. It’s not just some random word the Japanese made up.
However, given that this has been explained to you like four times now and you still don’t get it I’m not sure if anything we can say will help.
I don’t see any English names on any of those links.
What about a book written by the author that this entire show is a parody of and reference to? Like, are you super fucking dense or something?
I think Pokemon is gonna sue something…
13/4 7:34
Commie releases episode 25 of Mirai Nikki
At last we know why the Great Old Ones and the Elder Gods came to Earth.
Goddamn, this is fuckin’ hilarious!
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
If you’re a hardcore fan of Lovecraft, that means that you don’t have a sense of humor and, therefore, won’t like this.
not really, I have read most of the collections of his works and am a fan of the LN and the short running Nyaruani. You sir have been proven wrong.
I think I lost 90% of my SAN watching that. Oddly enough, I don’t regret it.
This show is amazing.
Hehe, it was fun. Thanks for the subs! Just take it for what it is, a light anime so far.
The typeset chart at 6:18 with Yahiro’s personal information says he’s on “2nd year, class 4, roll number 22”. I was like “Wait, what? Is he rolling dice on an RPG or something?”. I believe it should have been “row”, the row in the class where he’s seated, but since it is unlikely that a classroom would have 22 rows of seats, it’s probably “seat number 22”.
Everything else seems spotless as always. Thanks Commie.
Yeah, we discussed this but I guess it was never changed. Oh well.
Roll as in… how do I explain this without sounding like I’m treating you like a retard… the meaning used in roll call? Regardless, it’s not wrong.
Roll, as in roll call, or the attendance sheet used for roll. He is the 22nd down the list, or the 22nd on the roll. Hence, roll number 22.
Right. I decided to leave it as roll since it’s technically correct. but perhaps something like “roster” may have been a better choice here.
i don’t usually talk about a show that’s not on your post but… where’s fam fan fan?
You actually did some research and caught most references.
Wise words.
Only Saki can be considered competition for Nyarlko.
Needs more Degon.
So, whats the sped up section at the start say? Its just sped up japanese.
no clue
Nice job with this show.
There are quite a few references to Gundam ships and mobile suites in this series, so far: Braw Bro, Gaw, Gaza C, Dijeh and Zakrello. Si I guess anytime you come across any of these references you can check the Gundam wikia (I know it’s not an “official” source) for preoper spelling, although you only mispelt “Gau”, which is “Gaw” :)
For proper* spelling xD