Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. 10

skiddiks: On the third day of Christmas, my skiddiks gave to me: Three French maids, two turtle tits, and a denki guy in a dead tree #SkiddiksSavesChristmas #TwelveDaysOfSkiddmas
Xythar: hashtag ‘happening’
Posted by Servrhe under HashtagSkiddiksSavesSomething, Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu., Releases | Permalink
Sorry I took like 36 hours to time this, guys.
Thanks for the release. Been wondering what happens next after the last epsiode.
Whatever happened to the ED lyrics? Or to the eyecatch typeset, for that matter?
blame skiddiks
Okay, apparently mpv wasn’t displaying any subs that weren’t the main dialogue style or something, because now, I’m seeing the ED lyrics and typesets again.
Everything’s fine, though I don’t know why I didn’t check the subs in Aegisub first before commenting.
>tfw still not a bozo
Thanks for the memes!
Will we get Psycho Pass for christmas?
What’s with all the QUALITY in this episode? Is the budget running out?
No, the studio is just really shitty.