“A special episode titled “Planetarium: Space Brothers ~One Point of Light~” (プラネタリウ ム 宇宙兄弟~一点のひかり~ Puranetariumu Uchū Kyōdai ~Itten no Hikari~) was screened in planetariums during Summer 2012 and will be released on DVD with the 20th manga volume on February 22, 2013.”
By the way, I have the subs for the movie, but I want Commie to sub it properly. I can give the file to you if you want. It has some errors that I’m fixing.
Great anime manages to stay that way after 44 episodes and counting.
What is this maddness?
this is what happens when you adapt a good manga and don’t fuck it up
Americans clap when their astronauts don’t die.
Most beautiful anime of the season, for all seasons.
Are you subbing the movie and the OVA, right?
Thanks for the episode.
what OVA
movie maybe if someone actually translates it (it’s quite long)
From Wikipedia:
“A special episode titled “Planetarium: Space Brothers ~One Point of Light~” (プラネタリウ ム 宇宙兄弟~一点のひかり~ Puranetariumu Uchū Kyōdai ~Itten no Hikari~) was screened in planetariums during Summer 2012 and will be released on DVD with the 20th manga volume on February 22, 2013.”
By the way, I have the subs for the movie, but I want Commie to sub it properly. I can give the file to you if you want. It has some errors that I’m fixing.
well, if it’s uploaded, sure
as for the movie, no thanks. rather do it ourselves
OK, waiting for it.