Winter Recruitment
Edit 1/17:
One editor actually passed!
Still looking for translators and Mahoyo editors. Or maybe Kyhz just needs to grade the Mahoyo tests.
Edit 1/07:
Applications for timers and editors are closed. Hopefully some of them pass.
Translators and typesetters are still welcome.
Edit 1/03:
We’re opening up recruitment to potential editors as well. This is not a job we can teach you. You’re either good at English or you’re not.
Mahoyo needs an editor or two with a lot of free time (15-20 hours a week). Also, mention Mahoyo in the application if you’d like to edit that.
Various shows of the season are probably open as well.
Qualifications of an editor:
Mastery of the English language. American English is a must.
Able to make sense of confusing and/or misconstrued words and sentences and modify them into logical and naturally flowing dialogue.
Knowledge of Japanese is not required, although knowing a few phrases may help you tailor a conversation to fit a certain scene.
No fansubbing experience is necessary.
Fill out the application form below if you’re interested in applying. Editors who are currently with other fansubbing groups need not apply.
Edit 12/19:
One of our translators has expressed a desire to translate the upcoming light novels Fire Girl and Fate/Apocrypha:

Unlike Mahoyo, other translators are welcome.
It’s almost next season, and applications are open again. As before, timing and typesetting, and translating positions are available.
Why work for us?
Zero experience is necessary.
Unless you’re too technologically defunct to get on IRC, of which we have guides for as well. Everything you need to know will be taught to you.
(Translators are expected to know Japanese. We can’t teach you that.)
Be taught by the best.
No matter what other group you may apply for, there’s a very high chance they’ll tell you to follow our timing and typesetting guides. You might as well be taught by the people who wrote them.
Work on the shows you want.
Not that you’ll have the liberties of picking up shows on your own (at first), but we do a ton of shows a season and there’s nowhere else you could apply at and have nearly the same amount of freedom.
To apply, simply fill out this form:
Please don’t apply if you’re already in a different group. We don’t like people who collect groups.
Good luck.
Posted by RHExcelion under Defend the Motherland | Permalink
Id be interested learning how to typeset? Send me a email on [email protected] if your willing to teach me.
fill out the application???
what application???
You won’t get the job.
what job? pls respond
there was a link…. I think you may have failed one of the tests…
You’re fired.
kkrais pls
No, you’re fired. Now bring me more typesets of Spiderman, Parker.
I filled out the application, yet no response…:(
*sad koala*
No but seriously, why no reply?
because replies are not immediate
but we have looked over all the applications so far
well i can basic time and typesetting also karaoke and putting texts everywhere at the screen-,- is it good that i will apply or do i need more practice?
I wish to encode.
Though, to my knowledge, RHExcelion encodes everything. So BDs maybe?
torchlight does BDs, though we don’t usually do BDs because the timers scatter when the subject comes up.
herkz does too.
He doesn’t encode everything, but encoding is not the limiting factor for us, so more encoders would not be useful at all.
I love you guys for translating this (or attempting to anyway). Can’t wait for Fate/Apocrypha.
I tried to submit out of whim. But like, there’s an error every time lol.
Fill in every field?
Yeap, every single one.
Try a different browser.
Will do.
And as for the error… the page turned fully white and there was a single small line of text, I forgot what the text itself was though.
I think you submitted it as the database was being upgraded. It should work now.
what exactly is the error? it shouldn’t matter what browser you’re using,
unless your browser isn’t passing referers.
Sounds great, I’m very curious about these novels, expecially the Fate one…
Looking forward to both titles, hope everything works out.
Hey, I ordered Hyouka OVA BD, do you guys need it?
not really but thanks for asking
yes, ignore jdp
Okay, it’s being shipped yesterday, I’ll have it in about a week.
Guys any news on Berserk The Golden Arc II ? The Blu-Ray has been out since the 5th :(
Has it? We hadn’t heard. Maybe you should get it uploaded for us.
and it’s still not uploaded (unless you count a censored chinese raw)
are you sure? some other group has already subbe it, though admittedly i havent watched their version, but if it was censored, there probably wouldve been comments about that on nyaa
It’s shitty. Like, really shitty.
it’s not censored, just shit quality
Do you use American English or British English?
What’s that?
It’s like Mexican Spanish.
Only it’s English.
Can you also upload the raws for us along with the translations? Thanks.
It would be awesome if you could translate the Shana novels too! Baka-Tsuki apparently dropped the project :/
Unlikely because Shana sux.
Fuck you both.
THAT girl looks like Asuna
maybe the book has the same ilustrator as SAO, the style looks similar in general.
similar? it looks exactly the same
it’s not like asuna had a unique character design in the first place
nana not exactly the same, its just the same ilustrator
you need to recruit a web designer asap, your website is shit ugly
hey bro we paid $300 for this design.
the design is pretty good for me
Just use the Miku theme.
Thank you for Neko and Apocrypha. Happy new year guys!
u mad?
You bet.
Looking to join a group soon, maybe I’ll apply here. Even with my job in the Army and online uni, I still have time like no other. Plus, I love Anime, maybe it’s time to give back to the community.
Question: What is Typesetter and Timer ?
google is your friend.
so I have a question, what exactly an editor does?
edit the subs into better english
yeah I actually just googled it, thanks for the answer, so I think I can do that, dont know, got some interest all of a sudden and is something I could try to do… btw there are any other requirements that are not in the form? and the editor should know how to use any kind of complex programs? I have no experience in fansubbing but I am interested
you can edit in notepad if you really want
Requirements are knowing English. I don’t have high hopes.
>what exactly an editor does?
You’ve already failed.
wow… thats how you treat newcomers interested to help here? thats….curious I guess
If I actually had the amount of time you would need me? Oh, in a heartbeat.
Well, I re-thought my reasoning for not applying…and found it was rather stupid. It’s in if you get around to it.
Editing sounds like fun, but I’m also interested in typesetting. It’d be nice to have enough time to do both…
We have a handful of people who both typeset and edit (and more). You could try too!
Remove the first “you” in the second sentence of the Edit 01/03.
go fill out an app
when submitting app, it says “Something went wrong”
I assume something went wrong then.
Kinda wondering what, though…
“Something went wrong ($result = ).”
That’s what I get when I press submit
send me an email with the values you’re putting in each field.
edit: got it.
Sweet! Cheers, mate!
If I had the free time I did a year ago, this would have been no problem.
Hope you find someone decent.
I submitted an application earlier for timing, but I’m also interested in editing now that it’s opened up. Is there a way to add that to my application?
No, just submit another application under the same IRC handle.
It won’t allow more than one application from the same IP address.
you dont need to apply again
“Editors who are currently with other fansubbing groups need not apply.”
Fascinating… I saw a similar thing when I had a look at another fansub group’s site.
My experience is that it’s not the number of groups/projects a person is in that matters, but their dedication… Slacking in one channel is no better than slacking in half a dozen :P
it’s more to stop people from being like “i can’t work on show Y because i’m already doing it for group X”
>American English is a must.
Guess that excludes the rest of the world. :-D
It’s fine to use British English in conversation, but you must be comfortable with American English when actually subbing.
Something went wrong ($result = ).
I expect this is a joke/test to see if I actually am comfortable asking questions.
Question. Did I get a real error when submitting my application for an editor position?
i don’t see your application on the list, so probably
try submitting it again
Same error on the second try. Firefox.
Something went wrong ($result = ).
Same error on the third try. Chrome.
Something went wrong ($result = ).
Is it possible to enter too much text into the fields?
Looks like an SQL error. I bet I was too verbose.
I will edit and try again.
I had that problem. It was fixed by leaving out several variations of my online handle. The field has a limit of 69 characters apparently.
63 characters. Is an error message not popping up when you input more than that in the Handle/IRC Nick question?
Dear Commie Staff, are you going to release Kokoro Connect Michi Random in some acceptable quality?
My eyes hurt after watching that rori’s version with strongly reminiscences of the Cinepak video compression age.
Best Regards,
Your average leecher.
we are
It’s bad if I can fluently speak only russian?
I can sing the whole URSS hymn, does this give me some advantage?
Anyway, what is the more suitable time zone for the role of timer? More precisely; I am supposed to be ready for working the exact time the show air in japan? There is a strict deadline beyond which the work should be ready?
being around when it’s simulcast or a few hours after airing (for translations) would be best, yes.
I applied for the editor position, though I’m also interested in Typesetting.
Should I make another application?
bro if you get in you can be anything you want provided you possess the affinity
I’ve got time, and I’ve been interested in getting involved for some time now.
I can’t stand the website theme. I was thinking about joining you guys this winter but I can’t stand the design of the website.
Most of our business is conducted through IRC. You don’t even have to go to the website.
you would fail the application anyway
hahaha, I might apply because of herkz saying that
considering i grade them, you probably shouldn’t waste your time
First I would like to congratulate the team for its great work, there’s a reason people restrain themselves from watching other releases on many shows and instead wait for yours.
And talking about restraining, I like probably many others have been really waiting for the 2nd Berserk movie… Such a great series deserve equally great subs, something that I believe you guys can and will deliver.
I don’t mean to bother, but it’d be great if you gave us an insight on how much progress has been made on it.
Thanks in advance and good luck for the future ;)
it should be done shortly. just need to wait for the 1080p encode
Great to hear that. I really can’t wait to watch it, especially that it’s been touted as being significantly better than the 1st one, and by god that’s saying a lot about its quality…
gratz whoever got the position. you must be not shit (enough).
just less shit than the competition
Congratz to the one who got the place. I died a little inside during the test, relly. Next time I reapply I’ll try to get better.
Good luck and keep up the good job!
I submitted a late application with a typo. = sadpanda
Anyway, even if I don’t get a position, thank you for always providing such high-quality work!
And thanks again, herkz, for having looked at my application after I mentioned it in IRC.
Now I’ll go cross my fingers and hit refresh on my e-mail for a few weeks, lol.
So are the editor applications for Mahoyo actually still being graded, and the one editor is for anime, or is that one editor out of everything so far?
Most are graded, but Kyhz still needs to look over the 2 possible passes.
Yes, for anime.
Kyhz is so shit.
Kyhz is number one shit.
Is there a way for me to try the typesetting test without applying? (since typesetting applications are closed and I don’t want to join Commie)
there isn’t just one test, so no. there’s multiple tests and one of the tests has multiple parts.
also, we teach the interns how to typeset and keep at it until they’re good enough to be useful. if you already knew how to typeset and wanted to join, we’d just have you show us some of your previous work or something
grats to Commie’s new editor, whomever he or she may be.
Will editing applicants get an email or do we assume we didn’t get the position if we don’t get a reply?
the latter, assuming you turned the test in and it’s been a week or so