Tiger & Bunny overload
This here’s the 1-13 TV batch. Every episode has been v2’d in some way.
Torrent | DDLs
Please note that a patch collection for the individual episodes is coming at some point. However, Episode 3 is an entirely new encode (the preview was missing before).
This here’s BD episode 1, in 1080p and 720p.
Posted by RHExcelion under Releases | Permalink
Are you guys working on v2s for the batch of X-Men? How’s it coming along if you are indeed?
Editor shows interest, not sure of outcome.
If there’s interest, then sure, I’ll do it.
Thanks man.
No chance of doing the BDs when they’re out? I might do a release with your subs then. Well, unless someone beats me to it.
I could get the BDs and encode, everything else would be up to you.
Yeah, that would be great. I’m personally getting the BDs either way to support Madhouse in having done this series.
Thanks a lot for your work!
Now where’s MAR- Level E, Dragon Crisis, Zombie,… batches?
Dunno, Daiz, Daiz.
Thank you all very much for all of the work that you put into these release for us. Greatly appreciated!
I love “Tiger & Bunny!” Thanks so much for subbing this series!
Take care!
Not to be an ass, but it’s the 720p of T&B a little… small?
Do you see coalgirls in the url anywhere?
I meant more like 450 MB per episode, not 1 GB.
Is there a problem?
Over-cropping… yeah
You should check the 1080p’s resolution if you suspect overcropping.
What does the 1080p resolution have to do with the 720p cropping?
(it’s 1976×1076)
(because of cropping)
(aka sunrise overcropped, not us)
uh…1976? somehow i think that’s a typo
Then how come the screenshots from my other version is NOT over-cropped?
Because your version wasn’t the BD version? Who the fuck knows.
… how the hell does that make sense? Your’s is the over-cropped one, not mine.
Yes indeed, how the hell does that make sense. 2 pixels off each side of 1080p is about .3% of difference on average. Obviously something is wrong with your source.
How can it be my source, when your version has 2px LESS on each side?
BTW, I’m not accusing you of anything, I’m just curious as to why mine has more.
What you have is obviously from a different source. End of discussion.
Thank you Captain Obvious… Of course it’s from a different source, I was just asking how come that different sourse was different then your source.
Your source is different from my source because the source of the source is obviously from a different source holy shit are you really this dumb
So you fucked up and over-cropped. Or are you saying mine were magical Blurays that somehow had and extra 2px on each side that nobody else had?
2px? 2px off 1080p downscaled to 720p is fucking invisible. Nay sir your magical Blurays had at least 20px extra on each side that nobody else had.
Much appreciated.
Shouldn’t episode 3 be a v3 now?
Yeah but oh well.
Patch files: http://www.mediafire.com/?qpfy5ogdn4ohj
Thanks for the T&B batch! Just out of curiosity, why was the karaoke changed for the OP and ED? I don’t mind the change, but it’s just so different from what you guys had before, I couldn’t help but notice.
Because I hate karaoke!
You guys are fucking great
Seriously, thank you so much.
Maybe I’ll pass the BD rips because there was no censorship in TV rips
It looks so nice though!
And they’ve actually fixed things!
Thanks for all the efforts you put into this series. One of my favorites from last season. XD
also still ongoing.
I believe you forgot to put OP/ED style in the .ass for ep 6v2.
8v2 the audio for the preview is missing.
Thanks for all the T&B! Also, I hope I’m not being an ass, but in the preview for ep1 in both the batch and BD, Kotetsu is saying he’s the hero of Tiger & Bunny, but I’m pretty sure he’s saying “hige”.
Sorry for having to ask this, but how can I get the BD version to play on MPC?