
Tiger & Bunny overload

This here’s the 1-13 TV batch. Every episode has been v2’d in some way.
Torrent | DDLs

Please note that a patch collection for the individual episodes is coming at some point. However, Episode 3 is an entirely new encode (the preview was missing before).


This here’s BD episode 1, in 1080p and 720p.

1080p | DDL

720p | DDL

Posted by RHExcelion under Releases | Permalink

47 Responses to “Tiger & Bunny overload”

  1. Takeshi says:

    Are you guys working on v2s for the batch of X-Men? How’s it coming along if you are indeed?

    • RHExcelion says:

      Editor shows interest, not sure of outcome.

    • airconditioning says:

      If there’s interest, then sure, I’ll do it.

      • Takeshi says:

        Thanks man.

        No chance of doing the BDs when they’re out? I might do a release with your subs then. Well, unless someone beats me to it.

        • RHExcelion says:

          I could get the BDs and encode, everything else would be up to you.

          • Takeshi says:

            Yeah, that would be great. I’m personally getting the BDs either way to support Madhouse in having done this series.

  2. anonymous says:

    Thanks a lot for your work!

    Now where’s MAR- Level E, Dragon Crisis, Zombie,… batches?

  3. KG says:

    Thank you all very much for all of the work that you put into these release for us. Greatly appreciated!

    I love “Tiger & Bunny!” Thanks so much for subbing this series!

    Take care!

  4. DmonHiro says:

    Not to be an ass, but it’s the 720p of T&B a little… small?

  5. N says:

    Much appreciated.

    Shouldn’t episode 3 be a v3 now?

  6. tiny hero says:


  7. Liger says:

    Thanks for the T&B batch! Just out of curiosity, why was the karaoke changed for the OP and ED? I don’t mind the change, but it’s just so different from what you guys had before, I couldn’t help but notice.

  8.     says:

    You guys are fucking great

    Seriously, thank you so much.

  9. anonymous says:

    Maybe I’ll pass the BD rips because there was no censorship in TV rips

  10. Peebs says:

    Thanks for all the efforts you put into this series. One of my favorites from last season. XD

  11. epl says:

    I believe you forgot to put OP/ED style in the .ass for ep 6v2.

    8v2 the audio for the preview is missing.

  12. Kiwi says:

    Thanks for all the T&B! Also, I hope I’m not being an ass, but in the preview for ep1 in both the batch and BD, Kotetsu is saying he’s the hero of Tiger & Bunny, but I’m pretty sure he’s saying “hige”.

  13. heee says:

    Sorry for having to ask this, but how can I get the BD version to play on MPC?