oh my fucking god, you guys are mind tricksters, that Commie release on animetake for Shakugan was fucking realllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, but anyways thanks
No Kaeden this issue has happend to me before.
Sometimes in Media Player Classic(the media player I use) the subs won’t enable for some releases even if the other releases worked just fine.
I solve this by manualy eneableing the subs track in the release.
You can do this by right clicking in the movie window and selecting Filters option and at that option you can select the diffrent audio, sound and subs tracks for the film/movie/commie release.
Try it, it might work.
Don’t you have Media Player Classic?
Use this link to download it: http://www.cccp-project.net/
Finally! Whee
oh my fucking god, you guys are mind tricksters, that Commie release on animetake for Shakugan was fucking realllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, but anyways thanks
FInally!!!! Thanks dude!
-initiates a slow clap-
Heh. Y’all always put my favourite anime LAST. UNGO should be first for once. #TheOneWhoseAlwaysBitching
Nice to see P4A 10, I wait until Commie release to watch P4A from ep 6. You are doing really good job :D
where the fuck have you been? it’s been dropped
No one wants to time it.
Drop this shity Niconico subs. -_______-
you must be new here
Great job ob chihaya and UN-GO. I love you guys!
Subs don’t show up on Shana. Is it just my issue?
No Kaeden this issue has happend to me before.
Sometimes in Media Player Classic(the media player I use) the subs won’t enable for some releases even if the other releases worked just fine.
I solve this by manualy eneableing the subs track in the release.
You can do this by right clicking in the movie window and selecting Filters option and at that option you can select the diffrent audio, sound and subs tracks for the film/movie/commie release.
Try it, it might work.
Don’t you have Media Player Classic?
Use this link to download it: http://www.cccp-project.net/
With kind regards Kakan:-)
Nura where?
it’s sooo (almost) everything! love you! *hugs*
Commie delivers! Thank you very much!
Thanks for the Shana and Persona!
It took you 3 days to finish Persona??? What a joke of a group you are.
Its time you man the fuck up and begin taking this subbing industry seriously.
(Almost) no Fam yet :(
Thanks for UN-GO and Chihayafuru! HAVE A GOOD NIGHT AND A GREAT WEEKEND!
I was checking the site from time to time, and as always your the best guys out there! Thanks for the fast release!
why there’s a diff. on the animetake shana(the early one) and the shana here(now) XD
Thank you
Is UNGO still in typesetting, cause i want it to be done by the end of the day
Yes boss.
which source are you using for Un-Go, btw?
That’s nice and all, but where the hell is my Last Exile?
Man, Shana is BORING without Margery. Time for them to fix this shit.
Thanks for the episodes!
see the link.
where is our Nurarihyon? it can’t have just stopped on ep 13…
Why is the Persona ep 10 over 300mb? The other releases weren’t as big.