
Ano Natsu/ther 8

Ano Natsu de Matteru 8

Another 8

Posted by RHExcelion under Ano Natsu, Another, Releases | Permalink

31 Responses to “Ano Natsu/ther 8”

  1. Genra says:

    ty for ano natsu!

  2. Grobar says:

    Where is Last Exile ? Delayed ? Stalled ? Dropped ?

  3. firebound12 says:

    The horror of bouncing boobs and string bikini D:

    • Kirby_422 says:

      The horror of those BLOOD RED WATERMELON GUTS! Look at that gore! you can see her chewing on it even! Killing and chopping it up wasn’t enough for these people, they’re eating it even!

  4. Saki says:


    • skovacs1 says:

      That’s a strange shouting question. Should be obvious from the pic but, yes, it is a beach scene from this episode of Another. Japan has beaches and fanservice is easily served by beach scenes, so their presence should not come as a surprise in any anime set in Japan.

    • Petrushka says:

      Yo Sir, u’re not weeaboo enough to understand it

  5. Lucas says:


  6. Another says:

    So, this show is about horror?

  7. Konofucka says:

    Nice boat.

  8. GrimReaperCalls says:

    Yay! Witty comment is back! :D

  9. AMg says:

    Lemon’s words of wisdom: “Whatever happens, keep those 8mm rollin'” :3

  10. kyouma87 says:

    UMI DAAAAAA??????

  11. Some Dood says:

    That’s the way you do it!

  12. Ozzy says:

    Dang, my stomach turned at that gruesome death lol

  13. YouKnow says:


  14. Man In Black says:

    Her Hairlocks!!

    Thanks. And w00t, a beach episode!

  15. ghli says:

    very horrifying indeed

  16. Alex says:

    Thanks Commie,
    I am still waiting for “Last Exile” :)

  17. Revelihn says:

    Many thanks for the new Ano Natsu, Another, and all the other awesome shows you guys are subbing. Keep up the great work!

  18. Z010 says:

    Damn Sakakibara-san has to show up everyone by eating his one handed.

  19. Ahmed Mohammed says:

    He doesn’t have tits.