Ao’s Too Horny to Study 1-4

01 | 02 | 03 | 04
Mid-season pickup. Thought the show was cute, but the official subs were extremely questionable. Figured I’d save it since the only other group doing it is incompetent and somehow made the subs even worse. Anyway, expect future releases to be on a normal schedule.
In case you care about staff, here’s the roll (since showtimes is dead):
Translator: Sentai
TLC: Melancholy
Editor/Timer/Typesetter: skiddiks
Encoder/QC: torchlight
Posted by skiddiks under Ao's Too Horny to Study, HashtagSkiddiksSavesSomething, Releases, Saving e-trees with batch posts | Permalink
Lewd Aoi.
Sentai’s been terrible since back when they were still ADV. I remain incredibly disappointed that they managed to continue doing business after bankruptcy liquidation.
There’s Sentai A (good subs) and Sentai B (terrible subs).
Hit or miss.
Same goes for CR.
there’s more people at sentai who are bad, proportionally