
Bunny Drop 6

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Posted by RHExcelion under Releases | Permalink

9 Responses to “Bunny Drop 6”

  1. Slut says:

    The best time of the week (aside from Shoka’s release) has come.

  2. mascthemoney says:

    i hope rin grows up soon, little children get annoying after 5 hours.

    • Gaku says:

      11 episodes x ~23 minutes = 4 hours and 13 minutes.

      It’s all good then, they can finish before timeskip.

    • daemonarch says:

      How can you say something like that? I don’t like kids, but Rin is so cute. XD

  3. Marina says:

    Hooray! Thanks ;)

  4. macxxx007 says:

    JOY! Thanks so much for the episode! AM LOVING YOUR WORK!

  5. Gaku says:

    By the way, why so inconsistent? EPs 2-5 have spaces in the filenames while 1 and 6 have underlines. Someone’s using *nix much?

    • RHExcelion says:

      One of our XDCC bots replaces spaces with underscores. The torrents have always used spaces.

  6. daemonarch says:

    Thanks a lot for the episode. It was very lovely.