Cross Ange – Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo 25 END

skiddiks: It’s been a fun ride, guys. Shoutouts to that one guy who believed I could save this. Also, fuck you herkz for breaking my combo
Posted by Servrhe under Cross Ange - Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo, HashtagSkiddiksSavesSomething, Releases | Permalink
Skiddiks saves animu
love you skid <3333
Thank you based Skiddiks, I never lose my faith in you.
How you were able to sub all these episodes in one day ?
And Tusk is the only human male on the planet.
God bless Fukuda.
Don’t forget the dragons.
Okaay… That’s a wrap. Thanks for all the subs saving, skids. :3
#Skiddiks saves Cross Ange!
Hail Skiddiks!
Skiddiks pls do Symphogeah, youre our only hope.
And Tsuki, don’t forget Tsuki.
Anyway, Cross Ange was perfect. I’ve no words, I could never have predicted how much would I love this piece of shit <3
It’s stalled at encoding
<skiddiks> torchlight, I’m gonna need you to not encode symphogear for two years
(Also, I think he was asking about GX, not G.)
One question about translation. When Ange calls Salamandine Salako, you translated it as Salad. Is it some kind of pun, some hidden meaning, lost to me in translation, or something else? IIRC you used straight Salako -> Salako translation before.
It’s a pun. Ange has a way of mispronouncing Salamandine’s name as something else. Salako was a pun off of anko, iirc. Ange uses it as a playful jab at her all the time. The pun is more-or-less lost in english, and Salad was the best food pun I could think of that sounded like her name.
Also, I’m pretty sure it’s always been Salad. It started at the end/preview of 17.
Thanks for the reply and for saving the show. It really surprised me, how much I enjoyed this show despite it being ecchi “pos”.
There was that preview when Ange made a bunch of food puns on Salamandinay’s name, but “Salako” is just shortening her name without it being a pun on anything in particular (you know, because you can just stick “ko” at the end of something and it’s suddenly a cute girl’s name). I would have translated it as “Sally” or something.
I hope that’s a proposition to TLC the BDs :^)
nice meme
blame shirt
Okay, I remember why I did Salad now.
At the end of 16, Ange calls her “Salako” which makes her call Ange “Anko” in return. Sally/Angie could’ve worked but Ange then goes on to explain that she didn’t like the name because it’s also the word for red bean paste and it makes her sound sweet. Salamandine then jokingly calls her Kinako (soybean flour) instead.
To keep the food thing in tact, I changed Ange to Angus. The reason why Anko was brought up in the first place though was because Salamandine was matching Ange’s thing of adding -ko to her name. So instead of “you added -ko to my name, I’ll add it to yours,” I went with Salad/Angus for “you called me food, so now I’ll call you food.”
In hindsight, I should’ve just rewritten the entire thing and ignored the food pun altogether, but that’s the easy way out. If I do make any changes, it’ll be calling her Salami since that works a bit better.
My vote is for Salami. Sounds awesome.
Seconding Salami{-san@ganbaranai}.
Nice 3 lines on ep23 00:30
I should really check things after I run a find and replace
By the way, 16:55, you could have made Hilda’s line more of a man-hating one. I’d imagine her having no problem whatsoever if it was about Ange making her do whatever she wants, so the key word in her sentence would be “otoko”? You can improve it for an eventual batch or something.
Then again,
BDs are planned, but no one is really uploading them. I’d rather not do a batch since I have to check everything again for the BDs anyway.
Dude. Dah fuck. What was your childhood like to randomly decide to do this when you feel? Your awesome radiates rather brightly.
Of course; I’d just forgotten that you guys did say you’re gonna do the BDs.
Thanks alot Skiddiks.
Our Savior!
I always believe in skiddiks <3
Ty for the xmas presents~
Thank you so much for completing these for us. :)
Thanks you for completing this :-)
How about Yotsugi doll for the next Skiddmas present ?
It’s stalled at translation, and I’m pretty sure you don’t want me doing that
Skiddiks is a pro, great work. Thx
I QUIETLY BELIEVED AND WAITED FOR THIS DAY. Thank you for your marathon relase <3<3
Thanks for the marathon release and for translating the whole series. Hopefully we get BDS some day. Keep the good work
Will Skiddiks save Inou Battle? Or Yatterman? We can only hope.
Thankyou thankyou thankyou. Skiddiks you are the absolute best.
Thanks for saving this show Skiddiks!! Started it only after you saved it the first time, so glad to see you save it again. Great show, now to binge on these last episodes.
I like how they never bothered to give any explanation for tusk’s survival other than “his plot armor saved him” lol
Well hot damn!
Thanks so much for the episodes and for getting this series wrapped up! THANKS AGAIN! YOU GUYS ROCK!
And of course, THANKS SKIDDIKS!
Can’t wait to see what you guys sub next!
@skiddiks: Thank you so very much for such a quick answer to my prayers. If only all prayers worked like you did for this amazing release. Great job!