
Go! Princess Precure 46

( ゚‿ゝ゚)

airco: fun fact: the french word for cat, chat, is pronounced similarly to Shut. Happy new year.
herkz: Happy New Year!

Posted by Servrhe under Go! Princess Precure, Releases | Permalink

4 Responses to “Go! Princess Precure 46”

  1. Anonyme says:

    >the french word for cat, chat, is pronounced similarly to Shut.

    No, the “t” is silent in “chat”. However, a female cat “chatte” is pronounced similarly to Shut. Happy new year.

  2. Superioreos says:

    Did You Know??

    Counter fun fact: The French word for a female cat, “chatte”, is also a vulgar slang term for vagina. Just like how in English “Pussy” (from Pussy-Cat for any non-native english speakers) is also a vulgar slang term for Vagina.

    Now You Know!!!