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that was faster than the schedule you had before, what happen, but the point is THANKKKKKSSS
Thank you!
Hyperspeed release! It’s barely afternoon on the west coast.
Poor Daryl
Thanks Commie!
Wow, that was fast! Thank you, based Commie!
Righteous. thanks
This made my day.. :D Thanks!!
No Magic post?
w8ing for Bearsona
persona! personality! personal! pencil! pen!!!!!!!!! 8734vn8427874$%$^&%nh!!!?
the wait for Persona is becoming unBEARable
My weekly dose of dakimakura personality, beta faggotry, plot holes and great art. Yay.
Yey GC! Thank you!!
that was faster than the schedule you had before, what happen, but the point is THANKKKKKSSS
Thank you!
Hyperspeed release! It’s barely afternoon on the west coast.
Poor Daryl
Thanks Commie!
Wow, that was fast! Thank you, based Commie!
Righteous. thanks
This made my day.. :D Thanks!!
No Magic post?
w8ing for Bearsona
persona! personality! personal! pencil! pen!!!!!!!!!
the wait for Persona is becoming unBEARable
My weekly dose of dakimakura personality, beta faggotry, plot holes and great art. Yay.
Yey GC! Thank you!!