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atx raws (aka- uncensored)?
Yes. You can also check the showtimes page to see what station our encodes are from.
Looks like the TV broadcast was uncensored…
SO either someone screwed up in Japan OR finally getting some loosening of censorship in Japan….. or its late night.
Or someone is an amazing editor.
We’re using the airing from a premium satellite TV channel, which has been airing uncensored stuff for as long as I can remember.
hey man, at-x didn’t uncensor a few shows that they normally would
AT-X is generally willing to air most any show uncensored, however a studio who wants to censor to sell BDs would give them the censored source.
pretty much
so TERA isnt the only way we’re gonna see tits on this fansb then. >downloads
Uh, what?
We’ve done quite a few shows with tits.
I second that mouseover text.
das look very good!!
atx raws (aka- uncensored)?
You can also check the showtimes page to see what station our encodes are from.
Looks like the TV broadcast was uncensored…
SO either someone screwed up in Japan OR finally getting some loosening of censorship in Japan….. or its late night.
Or someone is an amazing editor.
We’re using the airing from a premium satellite TV channel, which has been airing uncensored stuff for as long as I can remember.
hey man, at-x didn’t uncensor a few shows that they normally would
AT-X is generally willing to air most any show uncensored, however a studio who wants to censor to sell BDs would give them the censored source.
pretty much
so TERA isnt the only way we’re gonna see tits on this fansb then.
Uh, what?
We’ve done quite a few shows with tits.
I second that mouseover text.
das look very good!!