
Inferno Cop 13 End ft. Slowest Credits Of All Time


You will truly be missed, Inferno Cop.

Posted by herkz under Inferno Cop, Releases | Permalink

12 Responses to “Inferno Cop 13 End ft. Slowest Credits Of All Time”

  1. Arno says:

    Bloat? Just how long is this episode?

  2. hellfire boy says:

    And for a final time, Watch this shit on the official youtube channel so Trigger gets the views, you cunts.

    • Jaybee says:

      Don’t forget to look up the “Inferno Cop Fact File” videos for important background information, like MechaCop’s brain being a used Sega Saturn!

  3. Kyhz says:

    RIP best anime of the season.

  4. Tyson says:

    he came into our lives and left just as quickly as he arrived

    yet, nothing will ever be the same


  5. iprolyh8u says:

    Will watch on youtube or site if given link :D

  6. Titakin says:

    Will you post Inferno Cop OST release on 2013.03.20 ?

  7. kore wa クリミナル desu ka? says:

    dem troll credits

  8. kore wa クリミナル desu ka? says:

    dem troll credits