
Letter Bee 06 and Asura Cryin’ 18

Latter released but forgot to post about.

Former is delayed due to IRL crap. It’ll probably be done tomorrow or day after.

Posted by fake admin under Red Army Parades, Releases | Permalink

5 Responses to “Letter Bee 06 and Asura Cryin’ 18”

  1. coaldude says:

    Meh. Just trying to get some torrents of yours, and you got some terrible seeding going on. Should get a fast dedicated seeder.

    • cryptw says:

      We have a very fast web seed on the torrent initally (lasts for 5 days).
      After that, visit our IRC channel and use XDCC or ask for a reseed.

  2. coaldude says:

    Ahh k, xdcc it is.
    Thanks for replying :)

  3. huzzah says:

    Ever since epi 4 of season 2 of asura, I can only see about the first minute of each ep (and then proceeds to repeat from the start). Suggestion on codec I should look for?