

The Legend of the Legendary Heroes 12

Posted by fake admin under Releases | Permalink

10 Responses to “LoLH12”

  1. Zaton says:


  2. Fuji says:

    Thanks for Release, Also WTB some Shiki -_-

  3. thesisidiot says:

    Fuck yes. Make love to me. <3

  4. MountainGoat says:

    Nice thanks a lot!

  5. Milfeulle says:

    Time for some legendary legends.

  6. Shawn263241 says:

    Just when I expected it, wonderful.

  7. Mr Lucipher says:


  8. anon says:

    can someone mirror the episode on MU please? much appreciated~

  9. James says:

    Awesome!! Thanks :)