Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st
Go watch it. Watch the series as well. All 3 of them.
1080p Torrent | 720p Torrent
1080p DDL: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
720p DDL: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
cool, thanks for the release. Did you guys sub it? Or did you just use the r1 release subs
Everything but encode.
>10.9 GiB
Mother of god
Just wait for Coalgirls’ release, bro.
BD was a full 50GB. The 1080p includes FLAC.
Grateful for 1080p release in 1X GB.
Just love it. >_<
Invalid torrent file? Anyone else getting that?! :(
Nope just you.
Hm, how does it compare with BSS release?
Styled songs, 5.1 FLAC, Typesetting, editing, etc.
script and fonts plox
Oh, good, thanks. I’ve watched the BSS’s release right away, but I guess I’d rather get yours for when I watch the movie with a friend later on (as I used to do with LoLH :D )
Thora release nothing but bloated releases.
I still download the shit out of thier stuff :c
^what is that?
does anybody know where i can find the 3 series?
did doki sub this?
The official subs aren’t good enough for them so they need to get their chinese TLs to TLC.
Just like a.f.k.’s Haruhi subs aren’t good enough for them even though they’re among the best fansubs ever produced.
tl;dr avoid doki like you avoid chihiro and all will be well.
and if your computer can’t handle the 1080p there’s a 720p version coming soon.
Also, they really really suck at this encoding thing.
Well, I read that the official subs suck, so they have a point.
Did Commie actually sub it, or did u the official sub? Sorry for asking the same question but I don’t know how I should interpret your “Everything but encode.” answer.
Also curious about this. I like your encodes, but if it’s just another CR TL rip it’s not really worth it to re-download this to me.
meant official
I heard official subs are shit, CR is shit, I got them confused. My bad guys. MY BAD EVERYONE.
Still curious.
>You heard they were shit
From whom?
Guess that means that you DID take the official subs.
Thanks for clearing that up.
>All 3 of them
>recommending StrikerS
Have Thora stopped using hardsubbed karaoke yet? Been a while since I last downloaded something of theirs.
We don’t hardsub. THORA only encoded.
Commie, busy with exams? ;o
No checksums?
Here are the md5sums:
4f3e0b605fd1e16fce3c0917a285ab66 *Magical_Girl_Lyrical_Nanoha_The_Movie_1st_(2010)_[1080p,BluRay,x264]_-_Commie-THORA.mkv
c08a47f2ad5bd5380cddaf5b6c85ccea *Magical_Girl_Lyrical_Nanoha_The_Movie_1st_(2010)_[720p,BluRay,x264]_-_commie-THORA.mkv
megaupload mirrors please >.> fileserve has severe download limitations~
And MU has severe upload limitations~
can some here tell what is soo good about this show( have not watched it yet) i was wondering if commie can give me a good reason to.
Nanoha, aka “Magical Girl Lyrical Gundam”
Ok, good enough reason
So, it’s December 4th.
How about that SB 09?
So much for 9+batch by 1/12