Mahoutsukai no Yoru translation project


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  2. Staff
  3. Status
  4. Progress
  5. FAQ
  6. Links



This is a translation project for Type-Moon’s newest game, Mahoutsukai no Yoru. Enjoy. (?)


Translation: Nanu
QC: DxuselesS, Kyhz
Hacking/Engineering: kingshriek, TinFoil
Image Editing: Vodka
Useless/Project Management: herkz
Expert Witness: Moogy



  1. Jun. 27th 2013 – 50% translated.
  2. Jun. 10th 2013 – Chapter 7 translated.
  3. May. 12th 2013 – Chapter 6 translated.
  4. Apr. 24th 2013 – Translated through Chapter 5. Not dead, see?
  5. Nov. 11th 2012 – Project announced



Chapter Translated (kb) Total (kb) Progress
Chapter 01 113.56 113.56 100.00%
Chapter 02 51.44 51.44 100.00%
Chapter 03 7.55 7.55 100.00%
Chapter 04 41.63 41.63 100.00%
Chapter 05 167.56 167.56 100.00%
Chapter 06 68.75 68.75 100.00%
Chapter 07 104.01 104.01 100.00%
Chapter 08 52.35 150.90 34.69%
Chapter 09 74.52 74.52 100.00%
Chapter 10 56.48 56.48 100.00%
Chapter 11 27.32 64.17 42.58%
Chapter 12 0.00 105.66 0.00%
Chapter 13 3.48 45.00 7.74%
Omake 61.54 169.77 36.25%
Total 830.20 1221.01 67.99%


What happened to the other people working on Mahoyo’s translation?
The dude that did the demo’s translation was bad/wrong and would need to be completely TLCed/redone. All the people from Amaterasu were busy and didn’t/couldn’t work on it at all.
Are you going to release any partial patches?
Probably not.
Are you recruiting?
Any ETA?


Amazon JP

1,355 Responses to “VNs”

  1. Roac says:

    Keep up the good work, Commie fansubs.

    Won’t be long till the patch is released.

    Soujuurou is a badass.

  2. Jooji says:

    Thank you for the hard work. Just can’t wait too see this released!
    The first VN I’m seriously interested in.
    Ganbatte minasan!

  3. DarkHeart says:

    Is the patch going to be released anytime soon?

      • djenkov says:

        Is there a reason why?

        • herkz says:

          because editing it takes a long time and the editor is busy (with fansubbing, among other things)

          • Jooji says:

            I’d like to suggest respectfully to increase the priority of Mahoyo in the near future if possible, because you are the only ones working on it, unlike the other projects. Releasing the VN would be an incredibly great achievement and unmatched support for the otaku community.

            • herkz says:

              I’m not sure it works that way.

              • Kira_52 says:

                I agree Jooji. If you are the only one working in something tha a lot of people want, you will be more popular than other fansubs. Also, if you release the VN, the only english translation of the VN will be yours because you are the ONLY one working on it.

                • me says:

                  You are absolutely correct.When you have a number such as zero, and you add one to it, it becomes one. Well done

  4. uoyaho says:


  5. ComradeHX says:

    Keep up the good work.

  6. redpotato says:

    We really appreciate your hard work!
    You have the gratitude of us non-Japanese speaking/reading people!

  7. Jaht says:

    I can’t wait! Really, I’ll be quitting my minimum wage shitty job just to read this stuff straight through and enjoy my life for only however long this very anticipated VN for us losers that can’t read jap language lasts! Can’t wait!!! Type-Moon! Yes!

    • Jooji says:

      I like the way you think^^ I played with the demo while working at night shift, that old dual-core with little RAM couldn’t properly handle some dynamic scenesXD This VN will be awesome!

  8. Hikari says:

    I’ve been anxiously awaiting for the completion of this VN. And it’s almost done, keep up the great works guys.

  9. ganonlink says:

    I get that you’re not recruiting, but would it not be a good idea to try and get someone else to do the editing, even if just for this one particular project? All your staff seems to be preoccupied with something else and the translation is completely stopped. The type-moon stuff is pretty popular, so I’m sure there would be plenty of people willing to help.

    • herkz says:

      We tried recruiting an editor for Mahoyo before, and the only person that did decent on the editing test (which was extremely challenging) gave up on editing Mahoyo after a few months because it was just too hard.

      So yeah.

      • ganonlink says:

        Is the work this person did over a few months completely useless? Surely it’s better to recruit someone new every few months and make progress than having the project sit still.

  10. Anonymously Impateint says:

    If editing is stalled, please update the thing to tell everyone else that it is instead of giving us false hope since it’s painfully obvious it’s not going to be released anytime soon, if it even can be released by this year.

    OR release a partial patch. Or let someone else do it. While I know editing with multiple people often results in mistranslations, at least it’s completed sooner.

  11. some guy says:

    sweet, I can donate to this… and that picture link doesn’t work.

  12. DestinyZero says:

    How long is a “long time”?

  13. bog says:

    have patience guys

    from what i hear mahoyo is not an easy vn to translate

    this is an important type-moon work you can’t just half-ass the translation

  14. random says:

    any chance they will ever make the anime of this?

  15. Klomlk (@klomlk) says:

    We, French people, have our second partial patch out (chapters 1 to 5 included translated). And the translation is quite good!

  16. Your Favorite Demigod says:

    What are you lacking at this very moment that prevents you from finishing up the English translation process?

    Are you lacking money, bodies, or souls?

    Answer me quickly or by the power I vest in me you will receive nothing but my Celestial Wrath!

    Either way, I am :)

  17. heled says:

    Appreciate your guys efforts. I also would prefer you guys taking your time and doing a good job than rushing it and making the experience less enjoyable than it would have been. :) Do it justice. Although I probably couldn’t tell the difference any way. Lol

  18. Yuji says:

    Maybe you can try to get some editors working on beast lair for the fate hollow ataraxia translation to help you guys after they are done with FHA. Which is prolly by the end of this year. Those guys have been translating and editing FHA since the beginning so they prolly are good at editing for Type-Moon type of projects. Thanks for translating this game!!!

  19. Jooji says:

    How about seeking cooperation with the French team who did a nice amount of editing?

  20. Funchal99 says:

    I just can’t understand why commie is the ONLY team working on it. I mean, seriously? After F/SN type-moon became quite popular and the sub-genre of visual novels did get a bit of a boost among geek culture anyway.
    Why mirror-moon, the ones that brought us F/SN, isn’t willing to work on it just makes no sense to me either.

    • herkz says:

      >I just can’t understand why commie is the ONLY team working on it.

      i think you underestimate how much work translating a VN is

      >Why mirror-moon, the ones that brought us F/SN, isn’t willing to work on it just makes no sense to me either.

      because mirror moon is deader than dead. their sole translator is takajun, who is working 2 jobs and has been stalling majikoi for like 2 years.

      • Funchal99 says:

        “i think you underestimate how much work translating a VN is”

        Yeah, yeah, I know, just wondering why you’re the only guys working at a type-moon thing, is all.
        And hey, you were the ones that said “mahoyo is not that long” and stuff, so…yeah.

        • herkz says:

          but someone else is translating it too (though i have doubts he will finish it)

          • Aoko Aozaki says:

            I understand that your editor is busy with other things, so on and so forth. But how about at least trying to set some sort of deadline or at least updating the translation progress? As I’m sure you are VERY aware many fans of the series are waiting for this VN . So it’s just a suggestion

  21. Bake says:

    What a bunch of dicks

  22. Anonanon says:

    Can’t wait for this. Hopefully the editor gets some free time. Frustrating to see a game fully translated but stuck in editing limbo.

  23. Cristu says:

    I feel we’re close!

  24. KR0NPR1NZ says:

    How can I donate? You guys are great, I want to help with what I can.

  25. yuuchan says:

    is this fully translated? i saw in VNTLS already full treanslated but in this page only around 60%

  26. DestinyZero says:

    Does TLC’ing really take that much time? You guys must be really close to releasing this by now, no?

  27. Apocist says:

    Thank you for all the hard work, I’m really looking forward to when this gets release.

    Great Job!

  28. RunnerGuitar says:

    I keep finding links to this page. Those pages say that the translation is at 100% and it is currently in the TLC stages. How accurate is this informaiton?

    • herkz says:

      it is translated 100%, but it’s now at editing, not TLC

      • RunnerGuitar says:

        Alright, thanks for confirming this information. I’m considering buying the game for when the translation is done. Do you suggest I wait or get it now?

  29. Mike says:

    It’s been a while since anybone commented so I’ll say something.
    Sorry about that but I wanted to show that some desesperate guys like me still exist even if they don’t comment

  30. DC says:

    I think you still underestimate how much work is involved. Translating VNs is an order of magnitude more difficult than subbing anime due to both the sheer amount of text and the prose involved. Translating a VN is so much work that no one anywhere is willing to start a translation when another group is also doing one, unless that group has clearly demonstrated incompetence. Even this is really rare. Additionally, unlike anime in which everything always gets translated by someone, there’s a huge amount of actually good visual novels that remain untranslated and will never be translated because there just isn’t the manpower available in the community to TL them all. More than one group on the same project is seen as a waste, even if one could be seen as incompetent.

    • DC says:

      I screwed up, but this was in reply to Funchal99

      • Funchal99 says:

        Sorry, then… I just commented that I found weird that a Type-Moon thing is not getting more attention from the community. I get it’s a lot of work, but I’m pretty sure Fate/Stay Night had more than one team translating it for an example (the only successful one being mirror moon as far as I’m aware).

        And it’s not like the VN community is that much short on enthusiasm. Just take a look a the VNTL Status Tracker, there’s quite a number of projects going on and also an impressive number of them actually finishing. Why most of them seem to be cheap fap games is a bit beyond me (maybe porn has more translation enthusiasts?).

        Also, Mahoyo is as linear VN, which we can all agree is by far a much easier job than, say, I/O (which lemnisca translations completed recently). And even then I/O took a fairly short time considering how staggeringly big the whole thing is.

  31. Vafudr says:

    I’m gratefull that somone takes the time out of their lives to make this translation patch. I would probably never had a chance to experiance it otherwise! And free of charge no less!
    I’m very much looking forward to playing this title when the patch is done!
    Keep up the good work!

  32. anon says:

    Ganbatte! The internet shall enthrone you in a palace of gold when this is released!

  33. Anon says:

    Thank you for your hard work, really, thank you. But there are surely many people that check this page frequently, and I won’t be stupid and ask you to hurry or anything, but if you really aren’t stalled, would you at least please update the progress % on this page?

  34. Cristu says:

    I feel we’re getting close :333

  35. tatsujin says:

    How much of the translation did you localize? Or are you keeping it literal?

    Just asking to see what you guys have been doing.

  36. Harry says:

    As a Type-Moon and mirror moon fan (and japanese iliterate), I would like to say thanks in advance!

  37. DestinyZero says:

    Pretty excited for this. Waiting patiently for this to be complete ;D.

    Sorry for using caps on my last post. I was a bit too excited there I guess xD. Keep up the good work though! Anime for life ^_~

  38. sporked says:

    Very looking forward to this I absolutely love TYPE-MOON stuff. Thanks for putting in the time and effort for tling this.

    Are there any plans for doing the Tsukihime remake if/when it gets released?

  39. Lord Fakinaway says:

    -sigh- I’m commenting again because I’m an idiot. You know, if you guys really wanted to read Mahoyo that badly, instead of passive aggressively whining to people who are doing this for free, you could, you know, actually just learn Japanese?

    It might sound astounding to you, but putting in effort to get what you want is actually pretty common as far as the world goes.

    • Cocaine Accent says:


    • Pathoth says:

      by that same reasoning, if you want to use computers, you should learn binary?

      people hear its done when its not, people don’t realize 100% translated is not the same as finished. the lack of clear communication is disturbing to the weaboo hive mind.

  40. vvlto says:

    Herkz be bravest man. He ain’t doing nothing for mahoyo, but he’s motivated. yeah

    I want Type-Moon porn.

  41. R says:

    Oh dear god, I am beginning to lose hope.

  42. Overmind says:

    Holy Satan, last time I was here there were barely 300 comments, and now the whole page has turned into a typemoonatic flashmob. Stop whining, fucks, and learn Japanese already.

  43. Lipton says:

    Comment box has become a nest of people bragging that they know japanese. Sad times.

  44. Lvrko says:

    Another non-voiced Type-Moon VN. But it has no romance either which is big plus for me. Cool

  45. Yuji says:

    type moon terminology refers to F/SN, F/HA, Tsukihime, Melty Blood, or Kyoukai no Sora?

  46. Some Guy says:

    @ Lord Fakinaway: Typically I would agree with that point, but I personally have a visual disabilty – I can read english characters easily enough, (thus even romanji). But actual kana/janji has subtleties in their symbols that I have a hard time seeing.

    Otherwise I’d love to learn japanese and bypass all sorts of hurdles that stop the avrg weeaboo like myself :P

  47. Anon says:

    So is this actually ever going to be released, or would it genuinely better for us to pick up moonspeak if we want to read it at this rate?

    If it’s 100% translated, could you spare us the script and we’ll just read it along the untranslated novel itself? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

  48. Cristu says:

    “Demorô vai sê melhó”

  49. anon says:

    is there any way non-Japanese speakers can contribute to this project

    • herkz says:

      if you are an extremely good editor, yes

      otherwise, no

      • anon says:

        I read that you guys use an editing test to determine competence? What kind of test is it? Can anyone take it at any time?

        • herkz says:


          100 lines of the unedited script.

          No, because we (maybe) found an editor.

          • anon says:

            OK, well if it doesn’t work out or slows down or something I’d like to take the test. I don’t have any experience as a professional editor but I at least consider myself literate and have an abundance of time on my hands.

            Good luck to you all though, I’m really looking forward to the finished TL!

  50. Red says:

    I’m trying to show you guys my support without being a boot licking faggot here, so…
    Keep up the good work, guys … I guess…?

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