Either way, they are ahead of schedule, so they have some slack (They wouldn’t want to continue releasing ahead of schedule, or else their credibility would decrease)
Uhm, what’s the story behind the “MARIA FUCKING WHERE” appeared everywhere on Commie’s site a long time ago? I’m new to anime scene so can anyone care to explain?
Waiting for some certain comments.
right here
okay but where’s the rest of it
wait warmly
Yearly one ep is a nice progress.
And doesn’t this show have like a mass load of typesetting?
something like that
Why don’t you guys do the BD, since they’re all out, because most BD’s from SHAFT have changes?
nope too lazy
I can’t believe Sentai Filmworks released this shit in English before you guys.
they dont typeset
Hurry and flag this as fake before the seventh seal is opened!!
WTF!? Maria Release and it’s not on April 1st!
Fuck yeah Commie coming through!
I never doubted you, ever.
Wow Commie you really are petty mf’ers, aren’t you?
So… whens tha next ep comming?
of MH Alive*
soon ™
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
next years ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
where’s the graph that plots the expected release date of the next episodes?
Either way, they are ahead of schedule, so they have some slack (They wouldn’t want to continue releasing ahead of schedule, or else their credibility would decrease)
You’re early; the schedule still has another five and a half years left on it.
… I think I came… is that Maria+Holic 6?!
lol no comment…
Uhm, what’s the story behind the “MARIA FUCKING WHERE” appeared everywhere on Commie’s site a long time ago? I’m new to anime scene so can anyone care to explain?
Here go and reflect on what you wrote after seeing this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAXizvIKzgE
Well, now I know why! Thanks for explaining. Anyway, the sub for that song is f**king hilarious!
MARIA FUCKING… here? wait wat
Psst who cares about fucking Maria, Jintai patch FTW!!
we’re all fuckers here
┐( ̄- ̄)┌
oh my god. are you guys fiddling with the vox calibrations of the four-dimension entangler again? this is well ahead of schedule!!!
Can I know what is the difference of the V1 and V2 if Jintai? I thought that it does not have a problem so I would really like to know.
Video quality is much improved. Episode 1 also has minor script changes.
Finally after lots and lots of months MH ep 6 came out!
I’ll just wait a few more years and hopefully get to see Maria Alive with my children.
Holy fucking shit, that’s fucking Maria fucking Holic fucking there.
(Isn’t it nice, that you can insert “fucking” in almost any place in a sentence?)
you motherfuckers