
Persona 404

Torrent | DDL

Had to take an emergency nap after Guilty Crown; was pushing 40 hours of no sleep.

Posted by RHExcelion under Releases | Permalink

18 Responses to “Persona 404”

  1. sharm says:

    Me was waiting for dis!!!

  2. El apuesto extraño de los huevos peludos says:

    You should get your priorities straight, bro. You could have easily released before sleeping, then you would have slept well with no guilt about delaying persona.

  3. El apuesto extraño de los huevos peludos says:

    You should get your priorities straight, bro. You could have easily released before sleeping, then you would have slept well with no guilt about delaying persona.

  4. Ahegao says:

    Not your blog. Oh wait…

  5. STiger says:

    Either wait for Commie or use some other sub. *shudder*

  6. macxxx007 says:

    daaaaaayum! Jesus… well, at least you had a nap… don’t lose sleep over this! YOUR HEALTH IS MORE IMPORTANT!

    Thanks for the episode!

  7. Elly says:

    You’re not allowed to sleep! Just kidding – I’m glad you got some rest, and thanks for the episode!

  8. felixmegion says:

    @RHExcelion – saw this at 6:11 http://tinypic.com/r/mt4ehi/5

  9. kaito says:

    @RHExcelion: could you give some help, bro? I’m having a hard time to understando that god damned insert song at Yukiko’s redemption. Any clues?
    Thanks a lot for the subs.

  10. GX-9901 says:

    uhmm, sorry guys, but.. where’s UN-GO? :/

  11. random says:


    Is Chihaya going to be out today?

  12. Questions says:

    Where’s Chihayafuru and UN-GO?

  13. Eve says:

    Duuude. At 40 hours, that’s not an emergency nap, that’s required sleep. Don’t kill yourself!

  14. KumaKaori says:

    This is probably some minor detail, But I find it really freaking cool that y’all jumped the subs above the Scrolling DVD advertisement after the Mid-Show Eyecatches. … That was cool :D.

  15. Jerr says:

    Is it just me? or are the pixels running everywhere? it’s bad quality