
Space Brothers 46


Why is this show so good?

Posted by herkz under Releases, Space Bros | Permalink

10 Responses to “Space Brothers 46”

  1. edogawaconan says:

    because it’s both spess and bros.

  2. jen says:

    anything is better with astronauts, space and bros.

  3. Shawn263241 says:

    Don’t question it, just enjoy it. We’ll probably never understand why.

    Thanks again!

  4. kore wa クリミナル desu ka? says:

    space trial
    for people in space
    judge space
    sun presiding

  5. kore wa クリミナル desu ka? says:

    space trial
    for people in space
    judge space
    sun presiding

  6. bbo says:

    Still a better love story than twilight (7 raspberrys, LOL)

  7. Doc Who says:

    Because, as the intro to the first set of episodes stated. It “Feels so Moon!”

  8. sis_anggie says:

    because there won’t be any Gundam if Mutta doesn’t go to moon and start colonization there

  9. Alto says:

    Just wanted to mention, that Bold (that speeding astro) says “germans” and not “dutch”